"Here. You didn't take this with you," she told him. "Stop sleeping in class."

Roxas grinned sheepishly. "I'll try."

The teacher nodded and told them they could leave. Before leaving, Riku asked for a paper with the instructions about their project. She gave it him, and waved before he could get scolded for not paying attention.

As they were walking about of the classroom, Riku kept glancing at Roxas, who seemed to be in a bad mood.

"What's wrong, Roxas?" Riku asked.

The only times he was like this was when his mom talked about his boyfriend and sexuality. But right now, he had been talking with Axel. Not with his mom.

"Nothing. It's just..."

Riku frowned. Had Axel hurt his friend?

"Did Axel do something?" Riku asked, a bit upset.

Roxas could hear the anger that started to rise in Riku. He shook his head.

"No. Well, he didn't. His parents, though, did," Roxas told him.

He shoved his phone in pocket with a growl. Usually, Roxas was calm and thought things through, but when he was angered, he couldn't control his words.

"It pisses me off how at least one person in our family is against our relationship!" Roxas yelled.

"My dad doesn't care about it, so I can't relate, but you have me and Xion," Riku tried to comfort him.

Roxas shrugged as they reached the front of the school. They opened the door but Roxas closed it before Riku could walk out.

"It's too cold," Roxas said.

Riku rolled his eyes and gently pushed Roxas out of the way. Roxas rolled his eyes and took out his gloves and scarf. Riku took his own out.

"Winter's almost over," Riku told him with a laugh.

"Still, the cold is still around. I'm sensitive to the cold," Roxas told him.

"Too sensitive," Riku added as he put his gloves on.

Roxas pouted when he said that. He remembered when Riku would laugh every time he and his friends would go out in the snow when they were younger. His face would get red and he would always complain about the cold.

"Shut up. That was a long time ago," Roxas told him.

He grinned when he saw the color of Riku's gloves and scarf. He opened the door and they walked out, but not before waving goodbye to the teachers around them.

"So, I know your favorite color changed to blue," Roxas started.

Riku turned to him and glared. He knew what Roxas was going to say.

"I'm wondering, why did it change as soon as we changed schools," Roxas mumbled, but that mischievous grin told Riku he was going to answer his own question.

"Whatever you're going to say, it's better if you don't say it," Riku threatened. "You're going to have my useless books* on your face."

Roxas stuck his tongue out like a kid. Riku growled and stopped walking.

"Is it because of Sora?" Roxas finally asked. "His eyes are a pretty blue color. Not as pretty as Axel's green though."

Riku ignored him, because he was right. He didn't have a favorite color before, but the first time he had seen Sora's eyes, it immediately became blue. However that sounded, it was true. And Roxas loved to tease him about it.

"Fine. Yes," Riku gave in. "It's because of him."

Roxas smiled softly. He knew he friend liked him, so he wondered why he didn't say anything.

"Why don't you tell him?" Roxas asked softly. "You said your dad didn't mind you going out with guys."

Riku placed a hand over his eyes and sighed. He walked ahead of Roxas and left the blond confused. Roxas ran after him and looked at him, waiting for an answer. After a long silence, Riku spoke.

"I just can't tell him. He won't like me," Riku told him. "Have you seen all his fangirls?"

Roxas nodded and kicked up some snow that had stayed from earlier.

"Yep. He has tons. But what of it? They are the ones always around him?" Roxas asked. "He could be bisexual too."

Riku shrugged and didn't continue the conversation. They got to their apartments and walked inside. Before entering, Riku turned to Roxas.

"Can I ask what happened between you and Axel?"

Roxas bit his lip and his blue eyes were cast down.

"Axel told me his parents picked him right after school to talk to him," Roxas started.

Riku nodded, telling him to continue.

"He said that they told him to choose. To choose between me and his family, his home."

Riku narrowed his eyes. Why would a family make someone choose between two things they care most about?

"And his answer was...?"

Roxas laughed bitterly. "Don't know. His parents took his phone away when he was going to answer and ended the call."

Riku sighed in relief. Roxas looked at him with a confused look.

"Maybe they knew he'd choose you," Riku told him.

Roxas attempted a smile. "Whatever he chooses is fine by me."

"Is it really, Roxas?" Riku asked when he saw his expression.

"I don't know," Roxas' smile vanished. "We can talk about this tomorrow. Okay?"

He didn't wait for an answer and went inside his house. Riku sighed and walked inside his own too. The lights were off and it was empty. Like always.

He went to go make something to eat and started on his homework. But his mind was on Roxas' problem and his crush on Sora.


A/N: Too much. Many problems.

But listen. It's high school. Hopefully I can make it more interesting next chapter or after that one.

Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku) [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن