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A/N:I did say I would be back, better than ever.. I hope. Enjoy the chapter.


"We told you, we are not getting involved in this war Dumbledore," Ethan sat down with his wife, Olivia, next to him in Dumbledore's office.

"That's not what I mean to ask," Dumbledore sighed, the war wasn't going positively for the light. It been near 7 months since Harry was sent to Azkaban and Wizengamot was nearly overtaken by Voldemort with more Lords deciding to side with him with each victory the Death Eaters had when attacking villages, towns and cities.

Even with the help of aurors it was impossible for them to win battles, Voldemort's abominations or better known as the Inferius were massive in numbers, nearing a thousand with each battle. Few were powerful enough cast the firestorm spell to destroy and Dumbledore could not be present in every battle to do so. He did not wish to make Hogwarts a battle school, but he had taken it Rufus's request under consideration and saw no other option.

"Then what is it you want?" Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"He wants our blood," Olivia looked at her husband, frowning. What Dumbledore was planning was ridiculous.

Ethan gave Dumbledore a look of extremely displeasure, "You've clearly gone insane, you can't expect to involve children into a war that even you are suffering from and come out on top."

"Than what do you suppose I do? Let all the muggleborns and Half-bloods be killed just because I didn't want them to fight that monster?" Dumbledore shook his head, these two never saw the reasonings of all his plans. The questioned silenced them both and so Dumbledore continued, "The best way for everyone to survive this war now is to learn how to defend ourselves."

"I suppose you plan on teaching them yourself?" Ethan relented with a sigh.

"No, Rufus will send auror trainers tomorrow to begin the training program for the students," Dumbledore answered, smiling at Ethan.

"Why don't you train them yourself? They could learn a lot from you personally," Olivia tilted her head in confusion.

"I would be too busy to properly offer them training, I do not wish to leave abruptly during it," Was Dumbledore's reply.

Ethan snorted, "If the boy was to come asking for you to train him, you would do it without hesitation."

"That would be completely different situation," Dumbledore said, "He is far more important than you realize."

"What could possibly make him different from the other students? I was there when we checked the power levels the day he was sent to Azkaban, he wouldn't be much help in a battle," Ethan challenged, inwardly he knew that the boy must be important for Dumbledore to stress against sending him to Azkaban his point so much in Wizengamot that day.

"Indeed, even so, if he was so important to you, you would have broken him out of Azkaban already by now, what with the dark lords’ affiliation with him," Olivia concurred with her husband.

"I do not wish to go against his wishes, he is there for his own reasons that not even I am aware of. At least that was what I assumed at first, but I plan to rectify my misconception of him wanting to be there," Dumbledore assured.

"Do you," Ethan grinned, it didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant by that, "And pray tell, what will happen to him when the dark lord comes for him?"

"We hope he is ready then," Dumbledore stood up from his seat and moved towards his bookshelf, he pulled out a book and read the first sentence, "Whenever there was there was situation, whenever the was a battle, Hogwarts was there to help, and it forever shall be," The bookshelf shook and started to split in half, the rest of it disappearing into the walls that were next to it.

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