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A/N:Here's another one! Exams are going to be in full swing soon so uploads will be on hold, I'll make sure to alert you guys one they start though.



You could hear a pin drop, everyone was still and did nothing but look at her and it only served to increase her nerves. Daphne expected her mother to be the first one to react but Cassandra said nothing. The first one to have some sort of reaction was her father.

"No, that's impossible," Cyrus denied, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"No it's not and you know that," Cassandra narrowed her eyebrows at her husband, she could see her daughter was nervous but how could he not?

"I raised her-"

"Not now with that!" Cassandra snapped at Cyrus, who sighed and stopped talking. The others in the room remained silent, feeling themselves irrelevant to the situation. Cassandra turned to her daughter, "Dap- I- Since when have you known?" she managed to get out

"Ten weeks," Daphne had tears brimming in her eyes," I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was...scared," the tears were openly flowing now. She didn't know how her mother got across the table but almost instantaneously she had pulled her up into a tight hug, which she melted into and openly sobbed.

"You don't need to apologize Daphne, I understand how it's like," Cassandra comforted her daughter. Daphne then felt another pair of arms hesitantly wrap around her and judging by the how the height surpassed hers more than her mothers, she knew it was her father. She was surprised that when she looked up, he was actually smiling, he wasn't one to openly show affection and everyone in the room knew it.

Astoria was grinning from ear to ear, she was happy that her sister had finally told them. It would make things a lot easier for Daphne, ' Wait till they hear who the father is,' she sighed mentally. Daphne stopped sobbing not long after and she sat back down and so did her parents.

"How far along are you?" Her mother asked.

"Twelve weeks," Daphne responded, no longer nervous, "It's why I didn't use magic around you."

"You don't need to worry about using magic, it's only a problem around five months in, maybe four at most," Cyrus said, he didn't care whether his father would disapprove of it. He was the head of the Greengrass' now, not him.

"I know that but my magic is giving me problems now," Daphne said. The adults stared at her with wide eyes, while the teens, who didn't know what it meant, looked at the adults confused.

"Th- That's not possible," Samuel stuttered.

"Then is something wrong with the baby? With me?" Daphne sounded panicked.

"No Daphne, it's just... Have you read about when Dumbledore's mother started having problems with her magic when she carried him?" Cassandra asked her daughter, who shook her head, "Fourteen weeks, just a little over three months. How early it happens depends on how powerful the baby could be and theoretically, it's possible yours could top him. "

Cassandra's statement was followed by silence, "That's incredible," Daphne whispered, she found it hard to believe, with Harry being the father and his magical abilities being nearly non-existent, anyone would have but she figured it could have come from her side.

"Daphne," Her father's voice got dangerously low and his eyebrows were narrowed.

"Father?" Daphne responded, her nerves returning again.

"Who's the father?" He looked her in the eye and she shifted nervously.

"I-" She gulped, this felt wrong, incredibly wrong but she could still see no alternative, no matter how supporting her father was before, she knew if he found out who the real father was, he would throw a massive fit and so would her Grandfather. She glanced at Blaise, who looked like he might have been regretting it.

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