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A/N: Sorry for the late chapter. I'm not gonna write their accents.

#Giants language#


Lucius Malfoy and Nott Sr. apparated just outside Riddle House at Little Hangleton, they walked with haste towards the Dark Lord’s throne room. They had been called hours ago, but with the emergency Wizengamot meeting for the trial of Harry Potter, they were unable to respond to their master's call and the Dark Lord was unaware of the meeting, so he was sure to be angry.

They received looks from some of the members of Voldemort's inner circle, proving that their lord was truly displeased. They both reached the doors of the throne room, took a breath and opened the doors.

"My Lord," Lucius Malfoy and Nott. Senior said in unison, kneeling a distance away from Voldemort's throne. Bellatrix stood next to Voldemort with a smirk on her face.

"I called for you both hours ago," Voldemort's said in a calm voice, making them both pale.

"My Lord, we apo-"

"Crucio!" Voldemort interrupted Notts apology, moving to stand in front of him. Nott screamed in pain, his body was jerking all over the floor and he felt like his head was going to explode from the agony. It was the most intense he had ever been at the end of and possibly the longest he had been held by it.

"Lucius, perhaps you can give me some insight of your where abouts," Voldemort turned to Malfoy, ending the cruciatus curse on a shaking Nott.

"My Lord, there was an emergency Wizengamot meeting called by Fudge this morning. It required immediate attendance, therefore we could not alert you of it," Lucius said, hoping not to be tortured.

The Dark Lord stared at him for a second, before turning and walking swiftly to his throne. He sat down then regarded him again, "What was so important that the fool could not schedule it?" Voldemort questioned.

"The boy my lord, Potter," Lucius answered

"What could Potty have done?" Bellatrix asked in interest, this peeked Voldemort's interest also, what could have Harry Potter possibly done?

"It is apparent that they believe he was the one that destroyed the town of Portree yesterday," Lucius said, Nott had gone back to kneeling position next to him, but he was still shaking.

Voldemort and Bellatrix started cackling loudly, which was common for Bellatrix but was completely uncommon for Voldemort. He would chuckle sometimes, but he wouldn't ever outright laugh like this, the two Death Eaters mouths dropped.

"He is even more of a fool than I thought, why would they possibly believe that the squib was the one that did it?" Voldemort asked after calming down, he could see the surprise of his laughter on their faces.

"His magical signature was found on the site," Nott answered this time.

"Then the ministry must be weaker than I thought. It is not possible that it was Potter," Voldemort said certainly, "Even so, what was his sentencing? Surely he is going to be kissed."

"Most of the Wizengamot voted on a life sentencing in Azkaban, even Fudge," Lucius told the Dark Lord.

"Hmm, I would think that Fudge would want him dead, but it matters not," Voldemort's said to his followers.

"My Lord, do you not think we should go kill the boy before Dumbledore breaks him out?" Bellatrix questioned from next to him.

"The old fool wouldn't dare go against the ministry so it would be a waste of time. What use is the boy, it would be impossible for him to defeat me even with the supposed prophecy," The Dark Lord turned to her.

The UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora