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A/N: Another Chapter! So yes there's that... Bye.

*Line Break*

Harry's eyes regretfully opened. It was the best sleep he has had in a while, his body felt relaxed and stress free. There was a downside however, he had a nightmare that he was freeing death eaters from Azkaban, killing auror after auror mercilessly and without any remorse. He couldn't even be touched by them, some ran when they noticed his presence and others who were brave enough tried to fight, only to be killed almost instantly. 'It's only a dream,' he convinced himself.

He looked around and found Snuffles looking at him with worry from the floor, he didn't see Madam Pomfrey so he got up and took curtain walls to surround his bed. Once completely in closed Snuffles morphed into his Godfather, Sirius Black. He quickly crushed Sirius in a hug.

"Hey pup, how are you feeling?" Sirius asked once Harry broke the hug.

"I'm great, haven't slept like that in a long time. What happened?" Harry questioned in confusion.

"You don't remember?" Sirius sounded a lot more worried

"I remember bits, but do you know how I did it?" Harry tilted his head slightly.

"Well, no, not yet, Dumbledore has been checking up on it but found nothing so far," Sirius explained, frowning.

"Of course he hasn't," Harry sighed and sat back down on his bed, he then turned to Sirius and asked "How long was I out for? A day?"

"About that, it has been sometime since you passed out. Two and half weeks to be exact," Sirius looked at Harry for a reaction

"That long? Well that's bloody brilliant, how am I supposed to catch up in class. Especially with Umbridge giving so much homework about her stupid book," Harry's lip twitched at her name, she didn't like her, at all.

"For what's it worth, I'm sorry Harry," Sirius grinned at the name his godson gave the professor.

"It's fine but can I talk to you about something?" Sirius nodded at him and so Harry told Sirius about everything that has happened since the year started, including the incident at the potions class "I didn't use any charm to stop her from getting... You know," He felt uncomfortable saying the word for some reason.

"WHAT? How could you be so irresponsible?!" Sirius exclaimed.

"I told you, I couldn't think straight, it was the potions," Harry glared at him.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Sirius took a breath, "I don't know pup, this is... Unexpected but I don't think I need to tell you what to do if she was pregnant, I would gladly welcome another Potter into this world like I did you. So please come to me if it ever is confirmed and you need my help," He gave harry a smile, receiving a hug in return.

"Thank you Sirius," Harry rubbed his eyes and sat back down on the bed of the infirmary, "What time is it?"

"It's around dinner time, hungry?" Harry's grumbling stomach gave him his answer "You should go eat, I needed to leave anyway, I have guard duty today,"

"Guarding what?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I-I it's... Not important Harry. You should write to me," Harry noticed the change in subject but decided not to push it, he trusted Sirius.

Harry nodded and smiled at Sirius who, with one last hug, morphed back into snuffles and left the infirmary. Harry took out his wand and said "Lumos" he felt the familiar exhausting pull and sighed "Still the same,". He was disappointed, he did all that at the great hall without lifting a hand or even a wand but now he was back to the pitiful old Harry.

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