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A/N: A day behind schedule for me! I'm sorry. I'm gonna try and post the next as soon as possible.


Two days after the meeting at Hogshead inn, the group was formed and was to be taught by Hermione but they were in need of a place to train. Harry was at the receiving end of scowls from his peers again because he refused teach them the patronus charm, they didn't understand what it was to be like he was. They just wanted to learn it so they could show off in classes or to those who didn't know it. They took the power they had for granted and didn't appreciate it.

He wasn't even surprised by their behavior anymore, they befriended him when they wanted something and became his enemy when they couldn't get it. He didn't regret his decision but some of the defense club members thought he would change his mind, but they were wrong. He wouldn't teach them anything if he could, he was done with the praising me now and hating me later thing they like to pull on him.

"Why don't you really want to teach anyone or even me the patronus charm?" Daphne scowled at him. They sat in an empty classroom after quidditch practice for Harry, a few hours away from dinner. She still trying to convince him to teach her but she wasn't having any luck.

Harry sighed, "I told you Daph, I want to have a spell to myself. You could list me all the spell we've learned since first year and I wouldn't be able to do even half of them, while as you can do all of them without passing out," he retorted.

Her glare softened before returning, "You said you wanted to protect me but you won't teach me to defend myself against one of the most dangerous magical creatures?" she tried to guilt him.

Harry only smiled at her though, "Prongs will always be there, don't worry about Dementors."

Daphne looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Who's Prongs?"

"My patronus," Harry told her, he hasn't told her everything, not yet. At least until the tugging he felt on his core when he was with her disappeared, it made him feel... Skeptical to say the least.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you named your patronus, how would you know if I was ever in danger of being kissed and even so how would it reach me in time?" She questioned.

"Just-Don't worry about that, you don't have to worry about Dementors," Harry held her hand, "Besides, learning it will be really draining and it could be dangerous for you, what with you splitting some of your power with the baby."

"Are you always going to be this protective?" She sneered and pulled her hand away from his, "I'm pregnant, not helpless and I'm only three weeks along, it only needs an extremely small fraction of my power to protect it, you can still teach me."

"It's still too draining, you're going to need everything to learn it and besides that, there is still my earlier statement. I want a spell to myself," Harry said, feeling curious as to why she wanted to learn it so much.

"You can cast it and you're practically a squib-I mean-" She winced, some fear coming to her eyes when she saw his face darken sinisterly.

"No, don't try and change your wording" Harry spat venomously "I will say that I'm disappointed, I thought we were past you calling me that," Not giving her time to retort he turned his back on her, "Now, I have to find my owl," He made for the door but felt a hand on his shoulder, he shrugged it off and left the room after saying more calmly, "We'll talk later Daphne."

Daphne opened the door and look in both directions of the corridor and saw no one. He was gone. She cursed, 'Gryffindors and their inability to hold in emotions.'

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