"You will not call me by that name, ever again. Understood?" I warned,  glaring at him in hopes of making his hair caught fire from out of nowhere and burn them to ashes.

When he nodded his head, meekly, I patted his soft hair as if patting the fur of a cute little pup and then turned back around to resume what I had left incompleted.

"So...where was I?" I wondered out loud to myself, tapping my index finger on my chin in thought.

"You were saying-"

I cut Bureau off and exclaimed, "Yes! The part where I was driving my Dodger Viper RT when suddenly I spotted a-"

"A Dodger Viper RT?" Bureau mused, much to my growing annoyance and frustration cutting me off, yet again.

"Yeah." I snapped, feeling on edge at his audacity.

"On you?"

"Yup." I gritted out through my tight jaw. I should just warn him not to drive me up the wall or he would so regret it, later. You know what they say, Prvention is better than cure.

"And that, too, back in the year nineteen-o-nine?"

I turned so fast around, that for a second, I saw stars dancing right in front of my eyes.

What a great way to see stars dance. I bet, Selena would be proud of me.

"You okay?" Bureau asked, concern evident on his face.

Ignoring him, I shook my head a little to clear away the blurriness and gave him a death glare with 'I am gonna kill you!' written across my forehead in big bold letters.

"You....you....you Cinderella's pumpkin carriage!" I shouted at him, anger oozing through my veins now.

He gave out a hearty laugh as if I had just told him a joke before shutting up on his mouth on his own when he saw me taking intimidatingly slow steps towards him.

He gulped visibly, "I'm sorry. I won't interrupt you, now." He tried his best to calm me down but the trigger had been pressed for too long, the gun had been fired now, I was angry at him.

"I swear, Am." He squealed out, cowering back a little. I stopped dead in my tracks, my mood changing as if a switch had been clicked inside of me.

I nodded my head feeling, suddenly, calm like a cow, "You better." I told him, my voice coming out smooth and plain. It was unusual of me.

"So...you were driving your Dodger Viper when you spotted what?" He prompted me to tell, unintentionally, gaining my attention all to himself.

A smile lit up my whole face and I said, excitedly, "A karaoke bar."

He looked at me with his eye brows raised upto his hairline but didn't said anything and oh boy, was I thankful for it.

"I stopped my car in its parking lot, killing the engine. On reaching to the entrance, I entered inside the bar. The atmosphere was energetic and live as people danced, sang, jumped around and made out with each other at wherever and whenever they liked." I gushed, a weird kind of sparkle visible in my brown orbs as I keep narrating the past.

"As I walked, people parted for me and looked at me in complete awe. They bowed down before me, chanting my name again and again and then again. Then suddenly someone pushed me forward causing me to magically stand in the middle of a huge stage. I, then, looked down at the people surrounding me-," I looked back at one and only audience who kept looking at me with a weird kind of expression covering his face.

On close inspection, I concluded something. He was looking as if he was trying his best to control the oncoming laughter, his face becoming red with each passing second.

I swear, if he would not let out his laughter soon then he was going to end up in a hospital.

"Let It out." I said, popping myself down on the chair opposite to him just as he brust out in a round of knee-slapping laughter. I took the time to take his appearance in.

Today, he was wearing a checkered beige coloured shirt underneath a navy blue sweater paired up with faded blue jeans and a set of black converse adorning his feet.

The muscles of his arms flexed as he continued to laugh his heart out without a care in this world. His eyes crinkled every time he smiled making him look adorable like a kid. In fact, his laugh, his smile were like that of a kid.

And in that moment, I concluded something else, too. He looked kind of cute whenever he laughed, smiled, grinned or even chuckled at something or someone, well more prominently at me.

Here, key word being 'kind of'.

My eyes, suddenly, lit up as a random idea struck in my mind causing the bells to go off. 

I gazed at a still laughing Bureau before lightly kicking his leg to gain his attention which seemed to work as he, immediately, sobered up and looked in my direction only to end up laughing out loud,  again.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey, Bureau" I said, deciding to tell him my plan for today.

"Hello." He said, sarcastically while chuckling.

I gave him a flat look before brushing his idiotic sarcasm aside and said, "Why don't you take me to your home?"

He locked his eyes with mine, internally contemplating whether to take me home or not. He seemed hesitant for a split second before, finally, deciding as to what he was going to do about it.

"Oh, trust me, you don't wanna go there." He dismissed the very idea which I had gotten after so damn long. Half of my day had gone by looking for something cool to do and, at last, when I had an idea, this ass sitting right in front of me was against it.

Oh, he didn't.

"Shut the hell up and stand up!" I deadpanned, standing up myself. It was time to do some visiting. When he didn't stood up and continued to look at me with a blank look on his face, I snapped, "I said, stand up!"

Making him did just that.

I was a legend like that.


And I really hope you guys enjoyed it.

*Fingers crossed and my heart running like a retard who just ran away from a mental asylum*

Please do comment if you want to share something and vote if you liked the above contents. I'll be more than happy if you guys did that and also, I will know how much talent I have of boring people to death.

*making puppy dog eyes*

Tata-Docomo, Vodafone, Onida, Idea and yeah, Jio.....

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