10. Diary Entries (extra/filler chapter)

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I'm just saying, this is going to be really sad, so you can read at your own will. I actually wrote chapter 11 before this one, so you can skip this chapter if you would like.

Jimin's POV

I took out my journal that Jungkook bought me on that horrible day. Just knowing that Jungkook bought me this journal only made me even more broken than I was before. I took out a pencil and began to write.


Dear Jungkook,

You went to the club yesterday and still haven't came back. I thought it would be one of those days where you would come home drunk at 2 am, so I stayed up until 6 am just to wait for you.

Knowing that you went out to see that guy, Taehyung, again makes me so jealous. You've been hanging out with him a lot lately. You go to the club almost every night, I wonder if you notice that. I hope you've been smart and don't drink that much.

I hope for too many things. What sucks is that they never come true.

Jungkook...all I ask of you is to stop hurting me. I hate being hurt. It's the worst feeling ever.

** (The Next Day, after the confession)


Dear Jungkook,

Things just get worst. You keep breaking me even more. What's your deal Jungkook? Why do you love playing with my heart? Am I a toy to you?

I'm just as human as you, but you seem not to notice. You don't notice a lot of things about me. 

It's like I'm invisible to you.

Now that I know Taehyung is your boyfriend, I really don't know what to think of myself. 

We've been friends for such a long time. I do everything for you. My actions and behavior is based on you. You could say that I'm the person I am because of you, Jungkook. You're a huge impact in my life and I hope you never leave my side because of Taehyung. 

I love and care for you Kookie.

Now, I'm so broken to the point that I'm this close to going to buy pills or mini blades. 

Love hurts like hell.




I swear I'm not depressed (I think). Don't worry because I swear I'm a happy person irl. It's just I like listening to sad music. 

I kind of rushed this chapter, so if it sucks, that's probably why. I had to let out Jimin's thoughts somehow. 

I know Jimin's birthday is on the 13th, but for this story, it's on the 14th. Please don't get pissed...

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