Louis, Sick; On His Birthday

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"Louis wakes up very ill on his birthday maybe a nasty stomach bug and is puking all day."

REQUESTED BY: - ilangel1

Louis shut his phone off, placing it down on his bedside table, one last check of the time had told him that the time was 1:15AM, the date being 24th December, 2017. It was Christmas Eve, and that also meant that his twenty sixth Birthday had officially begun. Closing his eyes, he felt sure that the next day was going to be both busy and fun filled.

Zayn who was up early, having had an entertaining night, smiled to himself as he shot Louis a text wishing him a happy birthday, not thinking anything of it being 4:30 in the morning.

Hearing his phone beep, Louis groaned, who the hell could possibly be messaging him at such an hour? Serving no purpose other than to disrupt his unusually light sleep, picking up his phone and blinking several times at the harshness of the light, he saw that is was 4:33 and that the culprit had been Zayn, Louis replied to the message calling him a dick, before he rolled over attempting to get back to sleep.

After tossing and turning aimlessly, Louis sat up, again picking up his phone and seeing that it was now 5:05AM. Sighing he got out of bed, navigating his way through his house and to the kitchen, Louis usually wasn't one to have such trouble sleeping.

Pouring out a cool glass of water, and standing at the bench to drink it, Louis frowned at the uneasy way it seemed to settle in his stomach. Finishing he water and going back to bed, Louis really hoped that he wasn't getting sick.

Waking next it was daylight out, and his phone was ringing. Feeling disoriented, he snatched the offending object up, and answered it, "Hmm, yeah?" he greeted whoever was on the other side nonchalantly.

"Happy birthday" Harry chirped through the phone happily. Louis had always despised the fact that he was such a morning person; nobody was supposed to be that happy at 7AM. "Can we come around?" Figuring that Harry was referring to himself, Niall and Liam, Louis told him that it was fine, hanging up the phone.

Stripping himself of the blankets, he sat up on the edge of his bed, placing his feet on the ground. Noticing that his stomach still felt uneasy he dug his fingers gently into it, making the conclusion that he definitely was not feeling his best. Of course that would be just his luck, as if it wasn't bad enough being born on Christmas Eve, now he was going to end up spending his birthday sick!

Making his way into the bathroom, needing to use the toilet, Louis splashed some water on his face before he examined his reflection in the mirror: his hair looked dishevelled, sticking out in every which way. His eyes appeared bloodshot and bruised, serving as evidence of his poor night's sleep. Louis truly had half a mind to rip Zayn a new arsehole for waking him with his ill-timed text, but before he could further dwell on it, he heard a knock at his front door. Wiping over his face with a hand towel, he went to answer it.

"Happy Birthday, Mate." Niall said entering the house as Louis opened the door, handing him a present, which Louis clumsily threw aside. Harry entered next, followed by Liam.

"Fun night?" Liam asked, clapping him on the back and taking in the older boy's appearance, Louis just shook his head, remaining silent. Walking into the lounge room, he plonked down onto his couch, feeling his insides churning viciously.

Harry took a seat next to him, frowning at Louis. While it was no secret that Louis sucked in the mornings, usually he was a bit more lively and accommodating, "You okay?" Harry asked, his frown deepening as Louis shook his head, "what's wrong?"

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