The Chosen One

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Hoseok's POV:


It hurts.

Everything hurts.

My bones, my muscles, my heart.

I don't open my eyes, though I've been long awake now, for fear that if I do, I'll wake up in the same miserable world without Mi-cha in it.

But deep down, I know that I have to.

For BTS.

They must be worried, and I can't let them live with the burdensome thought of me dying.

At least not yet.

It takes a lot more effort than I thought, but slowly, the bright lights of the hospital room infiltrate my vision, blinding me for a split second. Almost immediately, I hear gleeful shouting ringing in the distance.

"Guys, he's awake!"

Pandemonium erupts as the hyungs rush into the room, each bombarding me with dozens of questions. 

"'s really true. Hobi, you're awake!" Jimin exclaims as he pulls me into a tight hug. 

I hug him back, joy flooding my own heart as I see the member's relieved faces. Then regret and guilt seep back in and my face falls. 

"Hyung are you okay? Are you in pain?" Namjoon asks, a concerned expression on his face.

I shake my head, and give a forced smile. "I'm fine guys. I'm sorry for making you guys worry, but you don't have to anymore, Really, I'm alright." Hesitantly, they nod and allow an inch of space between us all. 

The room is slowly filled with a strange silence until Namjoon finally speaks up.

"Mi-cha wants to see us." 

My eyes widen and suddenly my ability to form words disappears.


Yoongi chuckles. "Yes, really. I thought he was shitting us at first too, but she's actually willing to let us risk it."

I swallow and nod. 

"But why?"

"She says she's chosen. And I think we can all agree that's worth the risk."

A smile spreads across my face, although I know fully well that person might not be me, the thought of seeing her again just makes all of the sadness vanish.

But......something's bothering me.

As big of a heart as Mi-cha has, I highly doubt she would've let us risk our entire careers again just for us to be happy for a moment and see her again. 

There's another reason why she wants to see us that she's hiding.

And it's not that she's chosen her new boyfriend.


We walk down the corridors of the hospital, the dim lighting giving everything an ominous vibe. 

As we're knocking on Mi-cha's door, we hear the muffled retching that we know so well from the first time we met her.

I wince, almost feeling the overwhelming pain she must be enduring right now. 

She looks over at the door, eyes wide in shock, that is until she sees it's us.

She chuckles in a weak voice, "We've really got to stop meeting like this."

I smile despite noting how undeniably worse her state has gotten since we last saw her.

"Don't worry, you still look beautiful as ever." I wink and she rolls her eyes, although a visible blush is creeping onto her pale cheeks.

The other members smack my back and shove me, all teasing me for my lame line, and for a moment, it almost feels like everything is ok.

But the noise dies down and Mi-cha clears her throat.

"So I'm sure Namjoon told you all why I've brought you here. Which by the way I'm really sorry for. I know this means I'm making you risk your jobs and that it was really selfish of me especially since I'll only be making most of you guys even more sad but I still-"

"Mi-cha!" Jungkook cuts her off.

Taehyung laughs. "Mi-cha, you ramble too much when you're nervous. It's fine, like we agreed the other six of us promise not to be mad or upset. It's fine, just tell us who you've chosen. We'll be happy for you no matter what."

She nods and takes a deep breath.

"I choose......"

(A/N: hehe sorry guys pls don't kill me)

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