what went wrong on your first date

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You were at a diner and he had ordered pancakes. He accidentally spilled syrup all over his pants, so he went to the bathroom and washed it off. After that, he walked around looking like he'd peed his pants.

You were out swimming at the beach and when a big wave hit he lost his swimming trunks in the water. He screamed for you not to look and started panicking, and a few minutes later you saw them floating and gave them to him. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't look you in the eye the rest of the day.

While you were out walking in the park, he tripped and fell over a rock. You had to take him home and clean all of the dirt out of the tiny scratches he wouldn't stop complaining about.

While you were hiking, he lead the two of you off the path and you got lost. It took about an hour before you were on the right track again, and by then you had missed the sunset you were there for in the first place.

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