how you met

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You were out with a few friends and you had all agreed to go to the quarry. When you got there, you heard a faint sound of people laughing, so you looked over the edge to see some guys and a girl playing in the water.

"Should we jump in?" asked one of your friends.

"I-I thought we were just gonna hang out here. I mean, no one said anything about jumping down there," you answered nervously. You looked down once again, now noticing how high up you were.

"Come on, are you scared?" she asked, and the others laughed.

"No...I'm not scared," you lied. You took off your shirt and pants and looked over the edge scared to death. "I don't know... We're pretty high u—"

Before you could finish your sentence, you were pushed off the edge, screaming before hitting the water. There were so many bubbles from when you hit the water that you couldn't see what was up and down, and you started to panic, kicking around in the water.

All of the sudden, you got pulled back up to the surface. You gasped for air hearing your 'friends' laughing from above. You saw the person who pulled you up was a dark haired boy with brown eyes.

"Thank you," you said, grateful for his actions.

"No problem, hot stuff," he said with a smirk. "What happened?" the boy asked.

You looked up at the girls that were still laughing their asses off and told him that one of them pushed you.

"Are they your friends? That's fucking rude," he said, glaring at the girls. "Yup... they're not my friends anymore though. I'm sure they never were, actually," you said, feeling stupid that you ever thought that they liked you.

"Don't mind them. You can hang with me and my friends, they're cool. My name is Richie, by the way." You smiled and told him your name in return.

Before you swam over to the others, you got eye contact with the girl who pushed you and smiled at her, before you flipped her off and heard Richie snickering behind you.

You and Richie clicked instantly and became the best of friends.



You were going for a walk in the park when someone crashed into you, resulting in you falling to the ground.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" a sweet voice said. You looked up to se a little boy looking down at you. He was adorable.

"G-Georgie I-I told you to look where you're g-going!" an older looking boy said with a stutter which you found cute.

"It's fine. Really," you said while the older boy grabbed your hand and helped you get up, your hands lingering for a bit.

"I'm B-Bill, and this is m-my little brother Georgie," he said, pointing to his brother who shrugged at Bill's comment.

"I'm Y/n," you said, dusting all of the dirt of your outfit which now would need to be washed.

"Do you wanna play?" Georgie asked with hopeful eyes. Your clothes were already messed up, so you didn't see a reason as to why not.

"Of course," you said, and not a second later Georgie grabbed your hand and pulled you over to were they were playing before.

Bill ended up introducing you to the rest of the losers and you all became friends.



You were biking home from a friend's house where you had gotten into a mud fight, which had resulted in you being covered mud.

On your way home, you saw a boy trip over a rock and fall over, spilling something in the process. You jumped off your bike and went over to help him.

"Damn it!" you heard him mutter while he was on the ground picking up what looked like some kind of pills.

"Need any help?" you asked, sticking out your muddy hand to help him up. He looked you up and down with a disgusted look on his face.

"Nuh-uh, not a chance, nope" he rejected your hand and you pulled it back.

"What the hell is your problem?" you blurted out, annoyed with his rudeness.

"Look at you, you're covered in mud! That is literally so unsanitary!" He started walking away muttering things to himself.

"Asshole!" you yelled after him. And that was the start of the rivalry between the two of you.



You had just moved to the town of Derry, and your parents had forced you to go introduce yourself to the new neighbors, so you went over and knocked on the door. Not a minute later, a curly haired buy opened the door.

"Hi," you greeted him. He stood frozen in the door just looking at you. "I'm Y/n, I just moved in next door. I-I just came over to say hi, so..." He didn't answer, but just kept staring.

"Anyway, are your parents home? I would like to say hi to them too," you said awkwardly, trying not to let the silence take over.

He finally got out of his trance. "Uh, yeah, they're not home right now, so..." he answered, looking you up and down.

"Oh..." You just stood there in an awkward silence for a few minutes before he spoke up again.

"Oh sorry! My name is Stanley, and if you want I could m-maybe, like, show you around or whatever," he stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah, sure." After that you became great friends.

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