You look happier

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Camila used to find herself in a place where she fails to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She'd wake up or stay up late wondering what Happiness was, how Happiness felt, like she'd never once felt such emotion before. When she did. She just couldn't remember. But now seeing how far she'd come, Camila could very well and proudly say that yes, she was happy. She was finally happy again. She found herself after all the things she'd gone through.

She now knew what happiness was. Happiness was being in the arms and comfort of her family, Happiness was seeing and feeling all the love her fans had showed her throughout the year, Happiness was doing what she loved and people loving her music after months and months of hard work, Happiness is taking care of herself and accepting herself, and that even though she was kind of lacking in the Relationship department- She was happy. Happiness was here and Camila didn't think she'd let go of it any time soon. She'd embrace it and clung to it like her life depended on it.

Because Happiness made her glow and made her smile like she'd never smiled before, so real and so raw, never mind the heavy bags under her eyes, because she was happy, and maybe if she'd stay happy, people around would be too.

Though, being happy didn't necessarily mean she'd be jumping for joy and screaming out in glory like she'd just drank two cups of coffee (which is actually something she does often, but not often enough that she'd do it all the time). She just felt lighter, like the world was no longer on her shoulders alone. She didn't feel as hurt and as heavy and as lonely as she used to. She had her down moments, of course, but Camila didn't feel like she'd ever go back to that dark place in her life again. And if she does, she learned so much in this year to know that it wasn't permanent and knew that she'd somehow get back up again.

She was happy and she didn't think she'd ever get to say that again. But now she can and if she could, she'd scream it at the top of her lungs in the middle of the streets in New York.

Camila decided to stay behind cause she really needed to go to the comfort rooms before they leave. She just couldn't wait until they arrive back in their hotel in the city. She wouldn't wanna end up wetting her pants. So when she sees that familiar figure and face entering the restaurant she and her family had been eating in, she didn't feel a single ache in her chest.

Okay, no, actually She did feel a slight pang, but it wasn't the kind that made her want to crawl in the corner and dramatically bawl her eyes out. She was such an ugly crier, too, so.

It was the kind of ache of guilt, and maybe the kind where she misses the person and had the urge to just, hug them so tight they couldn't breathe. It was the kind of ache when she hesitated to approach them, because she had moved on from that part of her life and that part of her life just happens to involve them. She was happy now, would she ever risk going back to that state? Another part of her thinks she needed a closure, so technically a yes.

Another part of her thinks she really needed to fucking pee. Like seriously.

And she was about to, until said person met her eyes. She looked hesitant as well, made a slight move to approach her, only to stop herself. She looked like she was about to open her mouth too, but tersely stopped and sighed. There was longing in her eyes and just as Camila was about to leave to go to the bathroom (God, she really can't hold it in anymore.)

"Camila?" And so she stops. Her face contorts in a slight cringe before she musters up a smile and turns around. And there she was.

Normani Kordei.

She presumes Normani had more courage than Dinah had to talk to her, as she was still standing by their reserved table with a look that she could only describe in that moment saying shit. The restaurant was private and secluded enough, so no one there could possibly know them. Hopefully. Maybe. But out of all the restaurants in the city, both separate teams decided to pick this very place.

"Mani.." Force of habit, she couldn't help it. Normani's face softens up, her lips slightly parting. Aside from Dinah, Camila was pretty close with Normani too. She was close with all the girls, but Normani was always one of the people she opted to vent to, along with Dinah. A certain green eyes girl used to be in those places but shit happens. And shit happened even more because Camila no longer even talks to them anymore. "Hey.."

"It's been so long," Normani softly said, her eyebrows slightly scrunched down and she frowned. She missed that voice, for the times she'd comforted her when she was down, to the times she'd make her laugh and teased her endlessly. But right now, Camila's feet started to tap and oh god, she could just feel the liquid wanting to burst out. Not a good vision, but it is what it is. She rested her hand on her stomach and bit her lip. "A year, to be exact."

"Yeah, I, um." This is awkward. "It's nice to see you again, Normani, but I really need to use the bathroom right now. It's, uh, urgent."

Normani studied her, tried to see if she was merely trying to get out of the situation, until she sees the way Camila crossed her legs and grimaced. She chuckles. "You always had the worst bladder in the group. But Don't think I'll let you get away easy next time, though. We really need to catch up." Spoke like nothing ever happened.

Will there even be a next time? As if Normani read her mind, she sends her a sad smile. Neither of them knew, but the world is a small world, so maybe they sort of knew that they'd cross paths one day, whether they liked it or not. But fate likes to mess them up, and Camila kinda believes in destinies and all that, so she had a feeling they will meet another day.

"I miss you." Camila said. Or what she thought she said. The urge was there again.

Instead it came out: "yes, you're right, we do need to catch up. So.. I guess I'll see you around, Normani?"

With that, Camila rushes to the bathroom, muttering profanities under her breathe all the way there. She didn't even wait for her reply. Not only because she could literally feel it coming, but because she knew the rest of the girls will be there the longer she stays and she didn't think she was ready for a confrontation from all of them yet. Or if they even will approach her, that is.

She and Normani may have left on a good note, but that didn't mean the rest of them did.


I STILL CANT ITALICIZE WORDS so I boldened (is that even a word???) them instead and it's ugly emdmekkdkek LIKE FIX THIS PLS I NEED MY ITALICIZATIONS

ANYWAYSSSS HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! I hope you all will have a great year ahead of you BECAUSE U GUYS DESERVE IT. And I know I say this a lot but I really still can't believe people read my stuff kekskskke SO THANK U!! I also like to think that I improved my writing, like, if u see my old one shots in the previous chapters the grammar is oh my god and sometimes I try to be deep but it ends up making no sense instead lmao

Also also I know this is short, but I've been having ideas in my head, and I have a few drafts, and I still write but they never really go anywhere?? So I always never end up posting them... Or I end up deleting the, But here's one SO TELL ME WHAT U THINK?? I also didn't reread cause I might end up deleting it too so heh

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