Omega (2)

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"Lauren," Camila whisper-shouts, gently shaking the girl's shoulder to try to wake her up and pouted when she only received a groan from the older girl. "Lauren."

After a few more shakes, Lauren finally started to wake up.

"Hm?" She hummed in acknowledgment, stretching her arms above her head and yawned before sitting up to give the girl a concerned look. She noticed that the sun hadn't came out above the horizon yet, the only light illuminating the room was coming from the moon outside and she assumed it must be 2-3 hours after midnight. What worried her was why Camila was fully awake and even decided to go here to her room to wake her up. Initially, Camila was supposed to sleep inside her room right after she had told her that she could move here if she was ready and comfortable but Camila insisted that she'll stay in her room just for another day. Whatever the reason was, Lauren let her.

"I can't sleep." The girl whispered, sitting crossed leg right beside Lauren with a small pout of her lips. The moon light coming from the window highlighted the girl's features perfectly, making Lauren doubt if she was even real or just an illusion of hers. It had also made her see the light blush of chagrin on her cheeks. "It's cold in the attic... And... I-I am having nightmares. I'm- I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"It's okay, come here." Lauren stretched out her arms widely prompting for Camila to instantly snuggle onto her, wrapping her arms around her waist without any other thought and breathe in her scent for a sense of comfort to wash over her. "You don't have to apologize you know? I'm glad you went here, I always wanted to cuddle with my mate."

Camila smiled, nuzzling her nose on the crook of Lauren's neck and moving closer to the girl if still possible. Her eyes starting to droop in sleepiness as she started to relax and forget about her nightmare, Lauren's body heat and embrace being the main reason. She didn't know it would feel this good to cuddle with someone seeing that she had never tried, especially when it was her mate. Never in a million years would she have imagined for this moment to happen. She knew she could have just sneaked into her room without her knowing but Camila wanted to know if she really did accept her. Plus, she didn't want Lauren to be in complete shock when she sees her on her bed because that would have been really awkward for them.

Camila looked up when the hold on her slightly loosened, soft snores coming out of her lips and her breathing become equal. The brown eyed wolf sighed in content, smiling adoringly and gave Lauren's chin a peck, not being able to reach the girl's cheeks due to their position. As a reply to her actions, Camila felt the girl squeeze her waist affectionately and brought her closer to her, nuzzling her face on her brown locks.

"Night lo," Camila whispered, finally closing her eyes to let sleep envelope her for a deep slumber, Lauren's calm heartbeat being a huge help to let her sleep.


Usually, Camila would wake up earlier than the rest of the whole pack to make breakfast for them and only having to eat the leftover foods once everyone is done eating. Sometimes, there wouldn't be any leftovers for her so she would have no choice but to buy her own food in school using her savings. It was awful and tiring having to do all the chores in the pack house but she was just an omega and had no courage to complain because even if she will, she'll just receive a punishment from the members. She wondered if Lauren knew about it but she figured she didn't because the girl is usually in her room or outside the house when the punishment happens.

So, she slightly panicked when she overslept and woke up to an empty bed, inside an unfamiliar room she didn't quite process as to whom's. It was only then when Lauren who got out of the bathroom and gave her a smile that Camila realized where she was, memories of last night hitting her like a ton of bricks.

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