Messy (2)

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Trigger warning! Read at your own risk.


"Stop following me." Camila felt her presence even from a far, but she kept her eyes glued to her person. She'd make sure she wouldn't inflict any harm on her, not even a single scratch on her skin that when she felt her come a little bit too close for her liking, she knew she had to put it to stop. Camila's been feeling a lot lately, and it was quite overwhelming, especially when she was highly aware of her so close around. Camila knew her intentions and believe her when she says it's anything but good.

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart." She chuckled, sending goosebumps on its rise on Camila's skin. She tries not to pay her much attention and kept her gaze on Dinah, her eyes occasionally roaming the streets for any sign of danger. Though, she was sure the only danger here she had to worry about was right beside her. "You know-" Lauren hummed thoughtfully, taking another step closer, so close she could practically feel her heat raid ating off her skin. "-I could never understand why they'd ever put someone like you in a job like this."

Camila furrowed her eyebrows and tries to keep her mouth shut, in hopes that Lauren would leave her alone, now matter how much she didn't like how she'd said those words. As if Camila was that weak. And maybe she had been at one point, but that once and Camila will never let it happen again. Not when she was finally healing.

She doesn't speak, her gaze focused on a certain blonde alone. She wouldn't know what she'd do if she fails this, too.

"I mean, look at you-" Lauren moved closer to caress her cheek down to her strong, delicate wings with the back of her hand, albeit too gentle for a creature like her, so gentle that Camila almost shut her eyes close and savor the touch, but she resisted and pulled away, no matter how hard it was, clenching her jaw tightly. Lauren smiled. "-a frail, pretty little thing.. Incapable of such."

Lauren leaned down, her lips gracing her earlobe. She could feel the heat coming off of her, warming her up as harsh winds blew. "You killed her. You failed. And my, oh my, you have no idea how I love hearing her screams and cries in hell where she b—"

"Stop." Camila hissed, weakly pushing Lauren away from her and took off in a flight, her balance slightly off as her wings flapped and pain shot through it, and it seemed awfully harder to fly. Her wound had opened up, but Camila could care less.

Her hands lightly burned from the contact, like she'd just held a steaming hot metal. Her side collided against the metal posts that pierced through her skin as she forced her wings to move faster, but she maneuvered through the buildings. She could practically hear Lauren's laughter, so cruel, so heartless, ricocheting the moment she'd took off. She flies around the building where she knew Dinah stayed in and carefully entered through the open window, a soft sigh leaving her lips. Camila rested her hand on her newly wounded arm, slightly wincing in pain and could feel the dark red liquid dripping from it.

Dinah laid on her bed, giving the window a brief curios glance as the curtain flew up, the wind slightly picking up before placing her gaze back on the ceiling. She could feel the goosebumps on her skin, but assumed it to be from the cold. So, With that thought, she promoted to shut the window close and lays back down with a tired huff. She was exhausted, felt like she'd ran for miles, when really she'd just finished a show earlier (which was probably equivalent to it). The crowds energy was insane and Dinah couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.

Camila mirrors her expression, relieved that Dinah was finally happy. She may not be where she is suppose to be yet, but she was getting there, and that's what matters. Camila knew she had so much more capabilities, have seen all her success and failures growing up. They practically grew up together in a way. She kinda wished she could talk to her, felt like they'd click in instant if ever given the chance (she also really liked the name Dinah gave her, not that she knows that she mentally sort of did. Either way, she really liked it.)

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