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The sky was painted harmoniously of the colors pink, yellow and orange as the sun slowly descended down the horizon, the faint shape of the moon visible from where she lolled atop of the roof of a building and she could hear the continuous sounds of cars whooshing past down below her feet as she swung them to and fro. She couldn't but let a smile curl her lips in satisfaction.

It was a good day. It had flowed out a lot slower and exhausting than she had expected but nevertheless, she liked to consider it a good one. It hasn't ended yet, of course; and although there had been a few mishaps, she hasn't encountered any major problems that she had to worry too much about. So far. She wasn't going to jinx it.

Her eyes falls towards a familiar figure walking down the street, having sensed something. It wasn't too difficult to decipher the curly headed blonde. Her gaze stays on her for a couple of minutes in pure curiosity, watching as the woman stood with her luggage secured by her side.

She perked up when she sees a car approaching towards her and knowing who it could be, Camila scrambled up on her own two feet, fluttering her soft wings with a soft smile before dashing towards them in a speed of light just as the car moved. Wind blows against her face at the speed she was going, arms stretched out beside her as she embraced the feeling in glee. Camila wasn't sure where they were going this time, but she didn't mind. She ignored the slight throb of pain on her left side.

She liked seeing how many people smile just by the sight of the blonde, loved the happiness and love radiating off of them, because that was something she was always used to giving, something she was so familiar with - that is, until she'd came down here. It made her question, well, almost the entirety of the planet. It made her sad, such a humanly emotion. That, too, she hadn't familiar with, but lately, for the past few months that was something she'd felt a little bit too much (She'd literally only realized what the gift she was given until she felt it and She wasn't sure if she liked it or not.)

The car makes a stop in front of a hotel and she made a move to follow the blonde when she steps in the doors of the building, cameras flashing and people screaming out her name. She didn't have the time to think about the fact that Dinah had came so far in life, as her eyes caught onto the sight of a dark figure leaning against the wall of the said building, head tilting down seemingly unaware. Though, Camila knew otherwise.

"Why are you here?" Her voice was soft, not a trace of irritation or anger in her tone. She didn't like the fact that she was here, but she didn't hate it either. Hate was such a strong word and well, Camila couldn't bare to hate any creature. Living or not.

"I came to see you." The hooded figured replied and for someone who was dressed like that, her voice was soothing. Camila pursed her lips and let's her feet touch the ground, landing with a soft thud.

"Me?" Camila breathed out, hands reaching towards the hood and pulled it off of her cautiously. She stepped back when she was met with bright red eyes. "You're trouble."

"Am I?" She smirked that infamous smirk of hers, eyes glimmering under the moonlight. Camila didn't understand how someone could look like this and be so.. Cruel. But then again, creatures like them liked to look this attractive (she was not admitting that though) with the sole purpose of luring them in.

"You need to leave."

"Ouch." She lets out a chuckle, clutching her heart (if she even had one) in faux hurt. "All I've wanted ever was to see if you were okay."

There was a hint of emotion in her tone, but Camila was not going to be a victim of their tricks and scowled when the girl reached forwards to caress her wings, moving away as if she'd been burnt. "I'm fine, Lauren."

"You didn't heal." She muttered, eyeing the wounded side of Camila's former pure white wings, now mixed with a shade of black and red. She almost flinched but she doesn't. "Why didn't you heal?"

Camila, for a moment, contemplates in entertaining her questions. She sounded worried, but again, she wasn't falling for that. She knew how they were like and she wasn't stupid. "You did this."

Camila didn't have to explain further.

"Right.." Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, and as if none of those words had been uttered by her, she smirks once more and looked up at the sky. "Well.. I have a job to attend to."

"Leave her alone." Camila gritted her teeth. Lauren rolled her eyes in annoyance. She doesn't reply though, only pulls her hood back up and walked away.

Camila watched her as she did so.

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