As the moon rises

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I stay back at the house for Damon and after Stefan calls I hear a knock at the door

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I stay back at the house for Damon and after Stefan calls I hear a knock at the door. "Coming" I say pulling Damon along and he groans making me pause, looking back to him. "Are you ok?" I ask and he pulls up his sleeve to reveal the bite looking worse.

The knocking continues and I growl opening the door to see John. "What are you doing here! I have bigger problems to deal with tonight, John." I say and he sighs.

"Elena hasn't been answering her calls for days I need to see her" he says and I sigh, feeling slightly guilty, she is his daughter.

"You're too late to say your dramatic farewells. Klaus already took her." I say stepping to the side and he comes in.

"How could you let that happen?" He asks frustrated and I scoff. "Don't get your panties in a twist she's not going to die. She has vampire blood in her system." I say, walking towards the living room and he glares at me.

He tries to attack me when my back is turned. Obviously, I catch his arm, twisting it behind his back and shoving him, pushing his face against the wall.

"That was more stupid than usual even for you... I wasn't even the one to give her blood-" I'm cut off by Damon. "You can thank me for that one" he says smugly and I drop john as my phone rings.

I pick it up not bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello, hybrid speaking, who's this?!" I say sarcastically and annoyed.

"Emily the ritual is starting soon, be here!" I hear an annoyed Stefan say and I sigh. "I'll try to get the cure just hang in there" i say to Damon speeding to the forest hanging up the phone and I speed next to Elijah he nods to me in recognition and I look to the field to see Jules, Jenna and Elena...

I hear Klaus's witch chanting, that's Lucas' sister... I guess it's ironic all of the witches in that family are going to die inevitably because of me... if I had undaggerd Elijah and broken my word with Elena, Luca would be alive, I killed His father and now I'm going to have to kill her. Or is that sad. Am I getting them mixed up again? I never was really good at emotions after I became a vampire they are still a bit all over the place even after all this time. Especially after I started running from Klaus.

I hear Jules, the werewolf screaming in pain from shifting and Klaus walks over to her and the ring of fire around her dies down.

"Everything I did was to protect Tyler! I was just trying to help Tyler" she says to elena her facial expressions pained. When the fire is completely gone Jules growls her eyes turning gold and speeds towards Klaus. I don't know what she was hoping to achieve but Klaus ripped her heart out. Jenna and Elena gasp.

Elena and Jenna begin to talk and I watch the witch and Klaus. The ritual is working. When Klaus is about to kill Jenna Stefan interrupts wanting to make a trade him for Jenna. Damnit Salvatore what are you doing!

Stefan and Klaus speed back to the ritual. "Quite the predicament. You know it's funny... all this talk of preserving family, and here is Stefan, granting your wish" Klaus says and I think back to something Damon said...

The Original's sins {Klaus Mikaelson/Elijah Mikaelson x oc}Where stories live. Discover now