Deal with the devil

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"Why are you bringing me to the witch house" I ask as we walk to the front of the house

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"Why are you bringing me to the witch house" I ask as we walk to the front of the house. "You want klaus gone, Your family back? You are going to have to trust me" Stefan says and I hesitate before taking a step into the house and my skin sizzles.

"Screw you too" I mutter clicking my fingers and all the candles light up providing a better view of the room.

I ignore the pain and Stefan grabs my arm and speeds me downstairs. Four coffins. "You're Insane. Klaus is going to kill you!... in fact I might kill you!" I yell and he shakes his head.

"Klaus's family is his weakness, with them we finally have something over him" he says and I open Elijah's coffin and I get an aneurysm.

"Calm down witches." I say wincing at the pain.
I close the coffin and the pain goes away.

"jeez trust issues much?" I mumble before I turn back to Stefan.

"Fine, but if any of them get hurt I'm going to kill you, Elena and Damon." I say and he nods, "We just need to make him believe that we will, I am going to threaten him and you are going to subtlety suggest he complys with my demands" Stefan says and I shake my head.

"Klaus hates being told what to do, he's going to have to think it's completely his decision if he's going to give up anything... and you are going to have to make him really scared for him to do anything he doesn't want to" I tell him and he nods.

"I have a plan for that too, just get on Klaus's good side and convince him to listen to me" Stefan says and I sigh.

"Bloody hell I'm basically a secret agent. Great, they always die." I say sarcastically and Stefan raises an eyebrow.

"That's why immortality is on your side with this" he says and I shrug. Well he's got me there...

"Fine. I'll go see Klaus" I say speeding out of the abandoned witch home, to a house that is still being built. Tyler and Klaus are in one of the unfinished rooms arguing about god knows what.

"You said you were sending a warning." I hear Tyler say skeptically. "And I did- an effective one, Elena's family suffers, she's motivated to get me what I want" Klaus's responds. "I didn't think we'd actually have to kill anyone" Tyler says and I enter the room.

"Oh were you committing murder without me?" I ask in a disappointed tone and Klaus looks to me then back to Tyler.

"Tyler what you're feeling is the remnant of a guilty Conscience, I need you to get over it ok, at the end of the day human life is just a means to an end, our means to our end. You'd do well to remember that" Klaus tells Tyler who walks off. Klaus then turns his attention to me.

"What can I do for you, love?" Klaus asks, seeming all too calm considering the situation we are in. Or the situation I need to convince him we are in.

"How are we going to get the coffins back? I assume your master plan isn't renovating a house?" I ask while looking around the room expectingly and he sighs.

The Original's sins {Klaus Mikaelson/Elijah Mikaelson x oc}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin