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Jungkook: Gosh I Lost my pen

Rapmon: I Broke my pen

Joshua heard the conversation

Joshua: why did you broke and lost your pens!

Joshua: Suga enter

Suga: No Pen – No Notes

No Notes – No Study

No Study – Fail

Fail – No Diploma

No Diploma – No Work

No Work – No Money

No Money – No Food

No Food – Skinny

Skinny – Ugly

Ugly – No Lover

No Lover – No Marriage

No Marriage – No Children

No Children – Alone

Alone – Depression

Depression – Sickness

Sickness – Death

Moral: So Never Lose Your Pen

All: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whateber!!!


Suga: But that's the truth


AN: New years fun

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