I Love You

139 17 23

JS: Hey!
Y/N: Yes?
JS: Mahal kita!
Y/N: Is that true?
JS: yep! It's true
Y/N: OMG! I need water (use your hand to fan herself)
JS: why?
Y/N: Because of what you said to me earlier
JS: what did I say? (Rubs his back head)
Y/N: Mahal kita
JS: and??
Y/N: (pinaasa look)
JS: hey! Taehyun?!
V: (enters) yes?
JS: First, what's the meaning of mahal kita?
V: You don't know?
JS: Yes!
Y/N: (shock look) (slaps at Joshua) How could you tell that to me?!!
(Walks out)
JS: what did I do? (Holds at where Y/N slap his face)
V: it's because you told her the word "mahal kita"
JS: I don't even know what it means (pout)
V: why would tell her If you don't even know what it means
JS: I thought it means t--------"
V: it means "I Love You" in English
JS: ohhh... Taehyung!
V: what
JS: mahal kita!
V: tsk! Let's go! (Walks out)
JS: mahal kita!!

Fun fact about Joshua
-he know the word Mahal kita but he doesn't know what it means

AN: that's actually true

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