"Why do you have so much money?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're always paying for my stuff, spending money left and right..."

"Oh, I sell coke. But you didn't hear that from me."

"Sarah! That's dangerous!"

"Well, a girl's gotta make her own. Jobs were too boring for me."

"Does Matt know?"

"No. And if you tell him, I will tell Jack about your little escapade last night," She smiled wide as she put a hand on the steering wheel and tilted her head. “Okay?”

I shook my head and sighed, getting out, still in shock that my new friend was a drug dealer. And a druggie. But I guess that doesn't say much for me, since I did participate last night with no hesitation.

She quickly drove off as I just sat on the steps and sighed, slipping the cigarettes into my purse. I buried my head in my hands as I just sighed. Jack could never find out about what happened. I couldn't leave someone as amazing as him. But he did cheat on me with his ex girlfriend. However, cheating on him with Alex doesn't make us even. It only deepens a wound.

I finally stood up and walked in as I smiled, seeing Jack playing a video game. "Hey baby. Sorry about last night. Things got a little crazy, and no one was sober enough to drive."

"That's alright, babe. Did you have a good time?" He leaned in and kissed me as he made a disgusted face as I gently kissed him back.

"It was alright. Next time, I'm going to spend the night with you. For some reason, doing nothing with someone I love is better than being surrounded by strangers." Or, mostly strangers, anyway.

"Alright. Well, Allison called me. She said she couldn't get a hold of you, and that you need to be into work, actually, in two hours." He barely took his eyes off the screen. This wasn't like Jack at all.

"Alright. I'll miss you. We never do anything anymore together."

"Because you're always with Sarah."

"Well, I thought you'd like to bond with like some of the guys... Just because we live together doesn't mean we have to spend every waking hour together. You have other friends, too."

"That's nice of you to say. Pushing me away?"

I ruffled my brow as I shook my head. "Not at all I was saying. But I am kind of..." I kissed his neck gently, working my way down to his tattoo, and then licking back up to his lips. I felt Jack swallow hard, trying to fight me. I shrugged and smiled, "I have to get into the shower, though. Gotta get ready for work, and all." I got up and went to the bedroom, stripping down and wrapped a towel around me as I called out to him, "Door will be unlocked if you need to use the bathroom."

Turning on the water, I made sure it was hot as I took the towel off and stepped in, getting my hair wet. I just closed my eyes as I let the water run all over me and not too long after, I heard the door open. I pretended like I never heard it as I smiled and started humming. Pants and shirts were dropping as he walked in.

"Hey, sexy," Jack said.

"Oh, hello," I said as he pushed me out of the water and against the wall, kissing me hard. "You have to make up for last night, Em," He said, slipping a tongue gently into my mouth. His hand felt up my body as I sighed gently, wrapping my arms around his neck, my legs around his hips. Jack backed up a little bit, moving the shower head up so it'd stream down on us as I moaned into his neck.

Between the thrusting, his hands and the water, I wasn't sure what got me off more. I didn't care. All I mattered about was that Jack was with me, and that I kept my dirty secret under my pillow.

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