Chapter 12 The Competition

Comincia dall'inizio

Bete:" how doe's that work"

Finn:"... I see, since the gods could vote for three different familia's, that means that there could be that number while other familia's get chosen as well"

Ais:" so who's number 1"

Enia:" number 1 is...THE HESTIA FAMILIA"

everyone was shocked and Hestia was the most surprised of them all.


Hermes:" wait, now that I think about it when we all said our vote's, Hestia's familia came up the most"

Demeter:" congratulation's Hestia, your number 1"

then a bunch of god's said on how they wanted to see Rabit Foot in a fight than Hestia's pride went down for the only reason she was number 1 was because of Bell.

Enia:" the tournament will officially begin in a month, or more specifically 34 day's from now, so the competitors have a good month to train than"

the race to train was on, they also announced that since the dungeon seemed to go back to normal that adventurers were allowed back in and a riot like stamped to the dungeon happened while the king, queen, princess, and bodyguards were still there.

Andromeda:" well, since this is happening, I'm off now"

Bell:" hey wait, where are you going"

Andromeda:" the dungeon obviously, I need to do something real quick, bye everyone, best of luck"

she then left and went into the dungeon with no hesitation or worry for her abandoning them despite being their bodyguard and then Capaneus got up as well.

Capaneus:" yeah and I should get back to my training to, see ya later, and take care Bell"

Bell:" wait, not you too-"

he then vanished fast with a cloud of smoke, leaving Bell as the royal family protector for the day and they went to the Hestia familia mansion to rest and stay a bit in, having the Royal family stay in a separate room, for now.

Bell:" it's not all that fancy, but make yourself at home, sorry if it's not to your liking"

Alexander:" Are you kidding, I very much prefer this kind of environment over the royal capital castle, I've always preferred simple over extravagant"

Ianthina:" Oh yes, this kind of place reminds me of the good-o-days, before we had to take the crown and stop adventuring"

the king and queen used to be adventurers of the Zeus familia but 16 years ago, they had to stop since they were of age to take the throne, but they still regularly practice, the king as a vanguard, and the queen as a mage.

Bell:" I heard all about you guy's from Enyo and Zerif, has it really been that long for you guys"

Ianthina:" watch it"

Bell:" sorry sorry, well, if you need anything just come ask, how are you, Alexia"

Alexia:" well, I do like the calm feel this room has and the simple structure and design is nice, and I think we're fine for now, thank you"

in the other familia's, however, they were deciding teams, the Loki familia had all their ace's in their team.

Bete:" the only people I see that could give us trouble are the Freya familia, so they should be our main concern"

Finn:" it's shortsightedness like that which could be our ultimate downfall"

Bete:" Oh come on the rest of them are nothing but trash, especially the Hestia familia, they are in over their head's if they think they could even try to compare to the other familia's in the tournament, it's funny how their even in"

Bete started to laugh and then Loki said something that would really get under his skin.

Loki:" well Bete, what if this Bell Cranel level's up before the tournament and becomes stronger than you"


Gareth:" did you forget he's a level 4 now and from what I can tell, he's as strong as a level 5 right now if not higher, not to mention that he's in my opinion close to level 5, so it would be wise to look out for the Hestia familia as well"

Bete stormed off and the rest is said, however many things are not going well for the Hestia familia such as the fact they only have 4 member's in their familia.

Lily:" we only have a month, we are a familia of 4, and we're up against some of the biggest and strongest familia's in Oranio, what are we going to do"

Wiene:" yeah, their's only 4 of us, and only Bell know's how to fight"

Haruhime:" and the rest of us don't have combat training like Bell"

Hestia:" I was excited, but now I'm scared"

Bell:" don't worry, we have a month to find people and train, we can still win"

they still looked a little gloomy until a knock at the door came and then they answered it, to reveal that it was the Mystery 7 at the door.

Lily:"(gasp) the Mystery 7"

Haruhime's thought's:" the only other level 7 in oranio"

Wiene was scared because she didn't know if he was alright with her and he was surprisingly kind to her, despite her being a monster.

Mystery 7:" Hello, I came to talk to Mr. Cranel, is he here"

they let him in and he was in a room to talk to Bell about their situation.

Bell:" so...what bring's you here"

Mystery 7:" relax, you seem tense, I just came to talk... so to be brief, you lack the amount of member's needed to compete, you need 8 member's to compete and you only have half that, also the only one who knows how to fight is you Mr. Cranel"

Bell:" Lily isn't that bad at fighting herself, she-"

Mystery 7:" she's Amateur at best, I mean no offense, but I'm looking at this in a fighter's point of view, Lily's fighting relies entirely on being protected while she uses long-ranged attack's, trick's and smoke and mirror's to beat her opponent's, a tactic that will have no effect for long against experienced adventurers"

Lily's thought's:" I knew it, I'm doomed, I can't beat other more experienced adventurer's the way I fight"

Bell:" Is this what you came here to tell us, well thank's for the advice, we'll work on our member's and fighting best we can, thank you and goodbye"

Mystery 7:" hold on, I didn't come here to list your familia's fault's and weaknesses then leave, you see I came because I was wondering if I could join your team"

they all were shocked at his claim and were hesitant on responding, for a level 7 to be on your team would be more than enough to even our power difference in this case.

Mystery 7:" I know it's quite a shock, but I do really want to join"

Wiene:" but... wouldn't you rather go with your own familia"

Mystery 7:" if that could happen then I wouldn't ask for this would I, the rule's state that if a familia lack's the 8 member's necessary, members from other familia's not in the tournament could fill in those spot's"

Bell:" well it sounds good, but I can't say for Lily, Haruhime or Wiene, they may have a difference in opinion, I'm fine with having you on our team, but I can't force them to let you on"

Mystery 7:" I understand, the last thing I would want is to be an inconvenience to you and your team, so let's get their opinion on me joining"

the Hestia familia's biggest desition in their life as of now is right in front of them and it hinges on these three's opinions.

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