Chapter Thirty

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What is all this? This looks like a date

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What is all this? This looks like a date.

Y/n: Wow, Is this for us?

Taehyung: Uhum... Let's go.

Y/n: Taehyung, wait. Doesn't this look like a date? I mean, you have a wife.

Taehyung: Let's just enjoy this.

He smiled and we walked to the spot. Ok. Let's enjoy this, one last time. A goodbye date.  After we finished eating we took a walk along the ocean and eventually ended up sitting on a big rock to enjoy the beautiful sunset. 

TaeHyung: Y/n, Can I ask you a question? 

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TaeHyung: Y/n, Can I ask you a question? 

Y/n: Go on.

TaeHyung:, Have we ever loved each other?

Y/n: What? Love?

Taehyung: Yeah, Love. Like romanticly.

Y/n: Why do you ask?

 I was getting really nervous. I tried to stay calm but I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I was scared that he could hear it, maybe it'll burst out my chest. He looked a bit uncomfortable. 

TaeHyung: Um ( he gulped and faced me, he looked really nervous) I just, Why does my heart keep pounding like crazy every time I see you? 

Y/n: What?!?

TaeHyung: I don't know but every time I see you, ever seen I saw you. My heart ( he placed my hands on his chest) It beats uncontrollably. It hurts. It aches. Why? 

Y/n: Taehyung-ah, I...

Should I tell him? I shouldn't. I mean what good will it do him? What good will it bring him? He has a wife. I don't want to cause him pain, I don't want to be the reason they separate. 

TaeHyung: I just want an answer. I want to know why I feel this way. 

Y/n: I... I can't tell you why you feel how you feel. I don't have an answer.

TaeHyung: Maybe this will make me remember...

He pulls me closer and put his lips on mine. What should I do? I miss this. I forgot about everything else and kissed him back. As I was about to give in completely, something on the back of my mind told me to stop. I pulled away.

Y/n: Taehyung-ah, this is wrong.

TaeHyung: Why? How is loving someone wrong?

Y/n: YOU HAVE A WIFE!!! Do you not remember. YOU HAVE A WIFE and I...I'm getting married ( I couldn't help but break down) It's too late. 

TaeHyung: Too late?

Y/n: I guess we weren't meant to be. Every chance we get, It's just messed up. The first time, you left me. This time, you got married. 

TaeHyung: First time? So we did love each other.

Y/n: I loved you, but I guess you didn't since you left me.  It's ok. I'm with Jungkook now and you have a wife ( I put an effort to smile). Everything is how it's supposed to be. Me and JungKook. You and Jennie.

TaeHyung: Can't you tell me how we used to be like? Our past?

Y/n: I can't. You're going to have to remember on your own. I don't want to ruin your marriage and besides, it's better if you didn't. 

TaeHyung: So, I guess this is it. You're going to get married and we, no,  I can't love you?

Y/n: No. You don't love me. You just think you do. Even if you did. We can't be together.

TaeHyung: Is this a goodbye?

Y/n: I guess so. From now on, treat me like how you used to. We are just friends. Nothing more.

TaeHyung: Don't regret this. Even if I remember everything...just remember this time you left me.

Y/n: I guess so. The Taehyung I loved is long gone. You're someone else now. 

Hey Guys~

I know this is a really short chapter but it seems like the book is coming to an end. There are only a few chapters left so I'll try to write them longer.  Who do you think is going to end up with Y/n? How would you like it to end?

I hope you enjoy!

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until Next Time.




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