Chapter Eight

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Jungkook: Y/n, After we have been apart these past weeks I had time to really think and I realize that I L

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Jungkook: Y/n, After we have been apart these past weeks I had time to really think and I realize that I L...

???: Y/N!!

I saw a man running toward us and hug Y/N. To be honest I was a little jealous.

Y/n: Jungkook, This is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung ( she introduced him and then I introduced myself).

TaeHyung: It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.

JungKook: Oh, Really?

TaeHyung: Yea, Y/n talks about you quite a lot. I'm starting to get jealous. ( he laughed then  turned to face her). Y/n-ah, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes, I'll lead you. No peeking.

I followed them as Taehyung lead her into the building. I wondered what the surprise was. When we walked into the building I saw flowers and paper hearts everywhere. It's not Valentine yet right? Wait...

TaeHyung: You can open your eyes.

I could see that Y/n was just as surprised as I was. Taehyung looked at  her and with the sweetest voice I've ever heard he said

TaeHyung: Y/n, I don't even know where to begin. (He held onto her hands and looked deeply into her eyes ). All I can say is that ever since I met you I realize what love truly is. No matter how hard I tried to get you off my mind, no matter what I do, It won't stop. Whenever you're not by my side, It's like I have nothing. I can't live without you. I LOVE YOU Y/N. Will you accept me? Will you be my girlfriend? 

I looked at Y/n, she looked so happy. Does she love him back? Am I a horrible friend because I wanted her to say no? She looked at me and I forced a smile she turned to Taehyung and said

Y/n: I Love You too.

Those words were like swords that pierce through my heart. I should be happy for her, right? Taehyung took her into his arms and gave her a peck on the lips while everyone else cheered and clapped. Every voice, every clap. It was like they were targeting me. I couldn't take it anymore so I walked off.

*Y/n's Pov*

I was so shocked. Is this real? It's not a dream, right? TaeHyung looks deeply into my eyes and all I could see was love. I looked at Jungkook who smile at me. I turned to face TaeHyung and tell him what I've been longing to say

Y/n: I Love You too.

He gave me a warm hug then peck my lips which caught me by surprised. Everyone cheer and in the corner of my eyes I saw Jungkook leave.

We walked to class and people were making kissing noises teasing us. I felt embarrassed and shy. Taehyung held onto my hands and gave me his rectangle smile. I swear It's like that smile is only for me.

We sat in our usual seat. I was looking for Jungkook but I couldn't see him anywhere. After a while, the teacher walked in and Jungkook follows behind. I wave to him but he didn't wave back. Everyone was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He slowly walked to us and sat on the opposite side of me. Has he been crying? His eyes were red. I looked at his hands which were bandaged.

Y/n: Kookie, are you ok?

JungKook: Yeah...I'm fine.

Y/n: You look sick, what happened to your hands?

Jungkook: I'm fine, don't worry about it. I'm just tired from the trip.

Y/n: Oh, ok.

School went by as usual. Jungkook was a little quite tough. He didn't talk much and wasn't as cheerful as usual. I shrugged it off because he said he was just tired. After school, I asked JungKook to come over and he agreed. Taehyung also wanted to come so it was going to be the three of us.

After school, I was making snacks for the movies when I heard the doorbell ring.

Y/n: Oh, Jungkook! I gave him a quick hug and he came in.

JungKook: Where Taehyung? Am I too early?

Y/n: Why are you so formal? You have been acting weird today. Are you sick?

He didn't answer.

Y/n: Right, I almost forgot. What did you want to tell me earlier?

TaeHyung: It's nothing, nevermind.

Y/n: Well, I'm making snacks, come help me.

We walked to the kitchen. As we were preparing snacks I saw brushes and cuts on his hand. I didn't even realize that he had bruises on his face.

Y/n: Jungkook-ah, what happened to your hands? Look at your face why is it bruised?

JungKook: It's nothing, don' worry.

Y/n: Look at that, What do you mean it's nothing. Wait here.

I ran to my room and got the first aid kit. I walked to Jungkook who was sitting in the living room with his eyes shut. I waved my hands in his face but he seemed to be asleep. I quietly sat near him and took his hands in mine. His hands were all bruised and there were cuts everywhere. I shed some quiet tears. I have never seen him like this. All cut up and torn. My heart ached.

Y/n: You should really take care of yourself. How can you be so immature? What am I gonna do? You know, I really missed you.

I put some ointment and bandaged his hands. Then I move up to his face and dab a little bit of alcohol on a pad and wiped his lips.

JungKook: Ouch..that burns.

Y/n: Oh, were you awake?

Jungkook: Maybe... are you crying?

Y/n: No... it's just the alcohol.

JungKook: Someones lying...

Y/n: No, I'm not ( I playfully hit him).

JungKook: Did you just hit me ( he smirked at you).

Y/n: Jungkook!! YOU BETTER NOT!

JungKook: I'm giving you 5 seconds...RUN...

I quickly ran away screaming. He chased after me knocking down some stuff on the floors.

After what seemed like forever of running, ( in reality I was running for like a minute)  I  step onto something which causes me fall and Jungkook who was right behind me fell on top of me.

???: Am I interrupting something?

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