Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Y/n: Something sexy?

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Y/n: Something sexy?

JiHyun: Something you would wear to clubs.

Y/n: Why?

JiHyun: You'll find out. 

What does he mean? I'll just wear a dress. But what am I suppose to do all day long? I can't stay in the hotel all day.

TaeHyung: Y/n? Are you ok? What took you so long?

Y/n: Ahh, Taehyung-ah. I just got a call. They said the meeting will be tonight instead.

TaeHyung: Tonight? Why at night?

Y/n: I don't know.

TaeHyung: Wanna go somewhere?

Y/n: Where?

TaeHyung: Let's go to the beach?

Since I have no other plan, maybe It'll be fun.

Y/n: Ok, sure.


Y/n: Wow! It's beautiful

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Y/n: Wow! It's beautiful. The weather is nice too.

I closed my eyes and took in the clear fresh air, the sound of waves crashing through the rocks, the cold water on my feet.

Taehyung and I sat on the beach. Talking about childish things. Talking, laughing and smiling. Just like how we use to. 


TaeHyung: Is this the place?

Y/n: I think so. It's the address.

TaeHyung: Let's go in.

We walked in to a building full of people. 


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