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The Doctor went to press a button to put the shields back up after the 5th Doctor had reminded Rita to remind his current self to do just that. There suddenly was the sound of a ship's horn just as the Doctor placed his hand over the button causing the two to crash to the floor.

"What?" They both gasped looking up and seeing the massive hole and what looked like the front of a ship sticking in the side of the TARDIS. "What!"

The Doctor picked up the ship ring and turned it over reading it 'Titanic' "What?"

The Doctor then jumped over the rubble and adjusted the controls forcing the TARDIS wall to reform as Rita materialised the TARDIS inside the ship.

"Want to go and take a look?" He raised a brow grinning while holding out his hand.

"Do you even have to ask me twice." Rita laughed grabbing his hand and running around the console with him to the doors. They stepped outside and Rita rolled her eyes at the confined space.

"Come on you can complain later." He laughed seeing the look on her face, dragging her through the rooms to a reception. They stood watching the people enjoy champagne and food, as well as people, move around the busy reception. The Doctor and Rita walked through the reception noticing the golden skinned statues that looked like male angels. One of them slightly moved while they walked past causing Rita to raise a brow. They walked towards a mirror and noticed a small red-skinned alien in a dinner jacket causing Rita to frown due to thinking she was on the actual Titanic. The Doctor then chuckled wrapping an arm around her waist while looking out of the window into space.

"Right." He nodded. Rita looked over and started to laugh.

"I thought-" she said before bursting out with laughter on the Doctors shoulder.

"I know." The Doctor laughed. "So did I." He paused looking out at the stars. "How about we go back to the TARDIS change and then come back and have a wander around?"

"You make it sound like your asking me on a date Doctor." Rita laughed.

"Maybe." He then coughed slightly. "Maybe I am."

"Of course." She rolled her eyes then kissed his cheek. "You just want an excuse to see this me in a dress don't you?" She smirked at the look on his face.

"N- no." He stuttered making Rita laugh and place a hand on his cheek. "Sweetheart either way I would love to." She kissed him before dragging him away laughing and not understanding that how after so long she still could make him practically melt.

As they headed back to the TARDIS an information message was made through the speakers. "Attention all passengers. The Titanic is now in orbit above Sol Three, also known as Earth. Population, Human. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Christmas." They walked back into the TARDIS and Rita headed straight to her room. She had to start to experiment with her new body not having any idea of what to wear. Luckily the TARDIS was just perfect with millions and billions of clothes to choose from. After around 30 minutes Rita smiled in the mirror having found a plain black dress which went down to just below the knees something Rita was thankful for. She placed a pair of black slip on shoes and smiled in the mirror happy with her choice, she never really liked the colour black in her previous body, or any other bodies she had but this was a whole new body, whole new Rita. She was prepared for a bit of change.

The Destiny of Three [3] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now