The Fires of Pompeii - Two

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"You have got to be kidding me." Donna hissed tied to an altar beside the Time Lady who was glaring at the Sisterhood holding hands in a ring around them with what Rita guessed as the leader standing above them with a knife.

"Sadly I don't think they are Donna." She said then looked at the priestess with the knife her skin pale with white powder and large eye shaped rings around her eyes, "I would be careful with that, it looks sharp." She nodded at the knife hovering above her.

"The false prophet and the one that mocks us will surrender both their blood and their breath."

"I'll surrender you in a minute." Donna hissed at them. "Don't you dare."

"You will be silent."

"Listen, sister, you might have eyes on the back of your hands, but you'll have eyes in the back of your head by the time I've finished with you." She snapped trying to break free of the ropes. "Let me... go!" She shouted.

"I would be careful what you say to a tied up angry redhead, I would know."

"Your prattling voices will cease forever." The woman lifted the knife high about her head ready to hit Donna with the knife.

"That will be the day." They all turned their heads to see the Doctor leaning against a pillar. "Sorry, I'm late dear." He waved over to Rita flashing her a grin. "Got a little busy."

"You took your time." She rolled her eyes before flashing him a grin herself. "What took you so long? Had a bit of sight seeing to do?"

"Nah, I can't go sight seeing without you" he smirked, "I planned a nice dinner and everything." He jokingly pouted slightly. "Can't do that now though."

"I was going to cook..." Rita shrugged.

"Oi!" Donna shouted cutting them both off. "You can flirt as much as you want when you get us out of here!"

"Sorry, Donna," Rita muttered blushing slightly as the Doctor looked down at his shoes.

"No man is allowed to enter the Temple of Sibyl." The priestess interrupted.

The Doctor looked up again and walked up the stairs. "Well, that's all right. Just us girls." He shrugged them off walking towards the altar. "Do you know, we met the Sibyl once." He nodded at Rita. "Yeah, hell of a woman. Blimey, she could dance the Tarantella. Nice teeth. Truth be told, I think she had a bit of a thing for me. I said it would never last, with my Stone and all." He glanced over at Rita who couldn't help but smile shaking her head. "She said, I know. Well, she would. You two all right there?"

"Oh, never better." Donna joked.

"I've had worse." Rita shrugged.

"I like the toga" he eyed the purple dress Donna was wearing. "Stone where's your toga." He asked glancing over at her.

"If you get me out of this I might just wear one," she smirked at the look he was giving her. "I do have a new accessory of ropes, however." She wiggled her wrists a little. "Do you like them?"

"Nah." He shook his head. "I'll take up that offer of the toga however." He smirked while pointing his sonic screwdriver at the ropes freeing her hands

"What magic is this?" The priestess asked them.

"Let me tell you about the Sibyl," the Doctor switched the subject, "the founder of this religion." Rita freed her hands and then started to untie Donna's as he spoke. "She would be ashamed of you. All her wisdom and insight turned sour."

"Is that how you spread the word?" Rita asked standing beside the Doctor after freeing Donna other hand. "On the blade of a knife?"

"Yes, a knife that now welcomes you." She hissed raising the Knife up, the Doctor pulled Rita behind him as the priestess went to strike.

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