Turn Left

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I swear that RTD (Or just whoever was in charge of series 2-4) just loved to have one episode in each DW series where they just didn't want the Doctor in the episode that much. I don't know why but it is just a feeling I have. 

This is probably my favourite one of those episodes though because Rose comes back! I am a sucker for ten x rose and tentoo x rose but this isn't one of those fanfictions so sadly Rose isn't going to be like that.

Just a small warning for anyone who does really dislike any Rose hate etc then I'm sorry but these last few chapters of this book have some of that with Rose being a bit off with the Stone. All will be explained in the last chapters, however. :)


The Doctor had his arm linked with the Stones, the two of them wondered the beautiful market place they found themselves in. It had been exactly a week since the incident on midnight, the Stones stomach looked much better with the bruise barely noticeable and the Doctor seemed better as well. The three had decided try and not do anything to dangerous for a while, something the Doctor wasn't too keen on at first since the forced him to sit back and let the Time Lady pilot the TARDIS alone. After the pleading look in her green eyes asking for him to step back and let her he couldn't say no.


The Doctor laughed lightly rubbing a powder between his fingers sniffing them before turning to the blonde next to him grinning as they made their way through the crowded alley filled with multiple stalls. "I think this was one of your most brilliant ideas!" He said over the loud crowd around them.

"I did say it would be a brilliant idea sweetheart." She beamed as they wandered around. "I did promise you."

"You do like to keep your promises don't you?" He raised a brow at her.

"Well, one of us has to keep promises with your track record of constant lying." She grinned at him yet looking very serious at the same time, something he had no idea how she did it.

"You lie as well!" He protested pointing at her.

"Ah but you have forgotten sweetheart, I only lie when I have to, you constantly lie, let's take that time you said Donna was completely safe when she was full of dangerous Huon partials." She reminded him.

"Now dear, that was me giving her hope and making sure she didn't panic."

"No that was you lying." She smirked at him.

"Sometimes it's best to lie and give someone hope then tell the truth and watch them break."

"Sweetheart, since when have you used deep quotes like that?" She chuckled shaking her head at him.

"It's true, though." He grinned at her.

"If you say so." She shook her head fondly over his persistence. "Where is Donna anyways?" The Stone squinted her eyes looking out in the crowds trying to find the redhead in the mix of people.

"Anywhere we can get a drink?" She suddenly popped up behind them making the TimeLady practically jump into the Doctors arms. Donna looked between them both quite amused before the Stone coughed lightly and removed herself from the Doctor who was sharing the same look as Donna.

"Never scare a Time Lady like that." She pinched the bridge of her nose trying to compose herself. She had been quite jumpy since the incident at midnight, something that the Doctor found quite amusing but heartbreaking at the same time, he knew that she was normally not like this and it was quite possibly his fault. He tried to surprise her again with this trip which was apparently Donna's idea, therefore Donna had surprised the Time Lady, not that it was the redheads or the TimeLords fault.

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