Turn Left - Three

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Sitting beside on another on a bench in the local park the blonde looked up at the sky, her face looking saddened and quite lost. "It's the ATMOS devices." She explained, her first words since they arrived at the park. "We're lucky it's not so bad here, Britain hasn't got that much petrol. But all over Europe... China, South Africa... they're getting choked by gas."

"Can't anyone stop it?"

"Yeah, they're trying right now, this little band of fighters... on board the Sontaran ship... any second now..." She continued to stare at the sky where the light gas like fog layered over stopping the stars from shining. The sky then briefly turned to fire then calmed, restored to how it was before the smoke arrived.

Donna's mouth flew open in surprise. "And that was...?"

"That was the Torchwood team." The blonde moved her eyes away to the redhead. "Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones - they gave their lives." She muttered. "And Captain Jack Harkness has transported to the Sontaran homeworld. There's no-one left." She sighed sounding tired and looking very numb.

Wondering who she exactly was Donna looked the blonde up and down eying her, trying to figure out who she was. "You're always wearing the same clothes. Why won't you tell me your name?"

"None of this was meant to happen." The blonde changed the subject. "There was a man... and a woman." She added as if she didn't want to talk about the woman for a strange reason as if she was jealous of her, but why would she be? "This... wonderful man and as he would probably say a brilliant woman." She sighed. "And they stopped it. The Titanic, the Adipose, the ATMOS, they stopped them all from happening."

"That... Doctor?

"You knew him... and the Stone, that's her." She nodded. "The Doctor and the Stone." She gave out another sigh.

"Did I?" Donna frowned. "When?"

"I think you dream about them, sometimes. A man in a suit? A tall, thin man, great hair." The blonde stared out at nothing in particular thinking back at the Doctor she knew before. "Some... really great hair... and the brunette, always thinking ahead, never liked to think she was at all better than anyone else." She smiled remembering the times when the brunette had put the blonde before her own life to save her.

Donna frowned then asked what was on her mind since they had walked from the corner to the park. "Who are you?"

"I was like you." She nodded at the redhead. "I used to be you. You've travelled with them, Donna. You've travelled with the Doctor... and the Stone... in a different world."

"I never met them, and he's dead."

"He died underneath the Thames on Christmas Eve, but you were meant to be there. They needed someone to stop them, she was tired and couldn't even get him to move..." she trailed off sounding almost angry, yet she stayed soft. "And that was you. You made them leave. You saved his life."

Donna stared at the blonde for a moment then gasped as she remembered.

It was Christmas two years ago and Donna was standing below in a wedding dress. A thin man in a pinstripe suit just as the blonde described stood above holding onto a railing his face blank and emotionless just as the brunette beside him. fire started to burst behind them as the water poured onto them. A giant red spider was screaming as the redhead look up at them. The brunette looked as if she was quietly crying looking at the man who continued to stare out, tense and blank. "Doctor! Stone!" Donna shouted up at them as the Doctor looked down the Stone doing the same before his eyes flickered to the brunette beside him. "You can stop now!" the redhead informed them as his face became slightly softened.

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