The Doctor and the Stone's Daughter - Two

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Prepare the tissues :(


"Fire!" Rita heard the cries of the soldiers as she dived for cover somehow managing to crawl safely to Jenny who was exchanging gunfire with Cobb.

"Jenny!" Rita shouted crawling up beside her.


"Jenny whether you actually are my daughter or not come with us, please your making a mistake, killing is horrible... I should know." She swallowed hard. "Please don't make the same mistake Time Lord or not you are clever and I know it. Make the right choice."

"I'm trying to help you!" She protested continuing to fire her weapon, helplessly Rita watched before hearing the Doctor shouted.

"Stone, Jenny, come on!" He shouted.

"We're coming!" Jenny shouted.

"Be there in a moment Doctor!" Rita shouted over her shoulder then turned to Jenny under cover. "Please make the right choice."

"Cease fire. Cease fire." They heard Cobb call.

"Stone!" The Doctor shouted. Jenny then stood up pointing her gun at Cobb.

"You're a child of the machine." He said to her calmly. "You're on my side. Join us. Join us in the war against the Hath. It's in your blood, girl. Don't deny it."

"Jenny don't," Rita warned cautiously standing up. Seeing the girl's eyes flicker upwards she grinned as Jenny fired at a steam pipe above Cobb, Rita then grabbed her running back.

"Stone, Jenny, come on!" The Doctor shouted. "That's it."

"Hurry up!" Donna shouted.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." The Doctor groaned. "The circuit's looped back."

"Zap it back again." Donna shouted.

"The controls are back there." He nodded at the blue box.

"And it would take too long to reset." Rita groaned running a hand through her hair.

"They're coming." Jenny heard the voices getting louder.

"Wait. Just." The Doctor worryingly looked at Rita unable to do anything to help. "Stone, there isn't... Jenny, I can't"

"Oh, it's been a long time," Rita muttered pacing back and forth. "Too long, but it's the only way..." she muttered to herself again then reached into her pocket bringing out a hair band. "Oh, I hate putting my hair up." She groaned. "Jenny lets see where you really belong." She said standing on the left. Jenny raised a brow at her.

"You mean..." her voice trailed off at Rita raised her brows nodding slightly.

"I haven't done this in a long, long time."

Jenny grinned looking at the Doctor. "Watch and learn, Father." The two then stepped back slightly before doing a series of somersaults and flips through the beams dodging them all, the Doctors mouth gaped open at the sight of both the blonde's side by side as Donna breathed "No way." They finally finished at the end standing in front of the gaping Doctor and Donna gracefully finishing in front of them both. "But that was impossible."

"Not impossible." The Doctor broke out into a wide grin. "Just a bit unlikely." He tightly hugged Rita laughing as Rita and Jenny started to laugh along with them. "Brilliant! You were brilliant the both of you absolutely Brilliant!" He quickly kissed Rita then hugged Jenny beaming the Doctor and Rita seeming to accept the situation and that Jenny was their daughter.

"I didn't kill him." She told the Doctor joyfully. "General Cobb, I could have killed him but I didn't. You were both right. I had a choice."

They looked over their shoulder seeing Cobb and the soldiers appear at the other side, Jenny and Donna both ran while the Doctor took Rita's hand staring Cobb down.

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