The Poison Sky

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The Doctor laid under the car sonicing at the ATMOS device trying to stop the gas while Donna and Rita hit the window and pulled on the door trying to open it. "He's going to choke. Doctor!" Donna cried.

"It won't open." He gritted his teeth hitting the car.

Rita looked up seeing Sylvia run out of the house with a large axe, pulling Donna away from the car Sylvia swung the back of the axe at the windscreen shattering the glass. Donna stared at her mother for a moment before she snapped shaking the red head out of her daze. "Well, don't just stand there. Get him out!" The two helped him out of the car before Donna and Sylvia helped him towards the house.

"Thanks." Wilf muttered to the three as Donna gaped at her mother, "I can't believe you've got an axe."

"Burglars." She shrugged taking Wilf inside.

"Get inside the house." The Doctor instructed. "Just try and close off the doors and windows."

The Doctor and Rita turned around hearing a car, Ross then stopped with a black cab, "Doctor, Stone. This is all I could find that hasn't got ATMOS." The two ran getting in the back of the car while the Doctor shouted out at the red head. "Donna, you coming?"

Looking back at her family unsure then back at the two she nodded moving away.

"Donna." Her mother cried out grabbing her arm then looked at her seriously. "Don't go. Look what happens every time that Doctor and Stone appears. Stay with us, please." She begged as Wilf spoke up defending the Time Lords.

"You go, my darling." He nudged her away slightly coughing.


"Don't listen to her. You go with the Doctor and the Stone!" He encouraged her on, Donna ran to the car, "that's my girl!" He proudly shouted waving his arms about.

Ross drove the black cab as fast as he could being cautious of the thick fog like gas surrounding them. Stopping at the front gate Ross let the Doctor, Rita and Donna out. "Ross, look after yourself. Get inside the building." He lightly ordered the man.

"Will do." He nodded then spoke into his walkie-talkie as the Doctor took Rita's hand running off to the building. "Greyhound Forty to Trap One. I have just returned the Doctor and Stone to base safe and sound. Over."

"The air is disgusting." Donna coughed almost gagging at the gas she was breathing in, Rita looked over at her worryingly as the Doctor turned back to the red head. "It's not so bad for us." He informed her gesturing to himself and Rita.

"Donna go inside the TARDIS for a while and drink plenty of water, it will help."

"You sound more like a Doctor then he does half the time." She joked even through the fits of coughing.

The Doctor groaning slightly then beamed reaching inside of his suit. "Oh, we've never given you a key." He brought a TARDIS key out handing it to her. "Keep that. Go on, that's yours." He grinned then muttered. "Quite a big moment really."

"Yeah, maybe we can get sentimental after the world's finished choking to death." She replied sarcastically while coughing.

"Good idea." He nodded then took Rita's hand as they headed towards the mobile UNIT HQ.

"Where are you two going?" Donna shouted to them.

"To stop a war!" The Time Lords both shouted over their shoulders to the red head as they ducked under the gate running as fast as they could to the UNIT base narrowing their eyes to see through what was now quite thick gas.

"Right then, here we are." The Doctor ran in with Rita nodding then turned to Mace pointing a finger at him. "Whatever you do, Colonel Mace, do not engage the Sontarans in battle. There is nothing they like better than a war." He warned. "Just leave this to the Stone and I."

The Destiny of Three [3] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now