I was hoisted into a bear hug and crushed. He spun us around and around, getting faster each time.

“I’m getting seasick,” I mumbled trying but failing to shove the lunatic away from me.

Finally he dropped me. I stumbled and gagged. Pressing my hand to my head, I took deep breaths. I didn’t feel good.

“How’s my little Rima-ima? Uncle Gai missed you. Yes he did, yes he did,” he squeezed my cheeks and spoke to me as if I was a new born. “Rima-ima missed uncle Gai, oh yes she did!”

“Oh no she didn’t,” Shadow murmured to Dawn, loud enough for us to hear.

Gai either didn’t hear him or chose to ignore him. I was betting on the latter. He continued to pinch my cheeks and make baby faces at me.

“Look at you!” he gasped. “All youthful and grown!”

“Then why are you treating her like a baby?” Dawn wondered.

“OH, you are wonderful,” hearts formed in his eyes and I was starting to freak. “My Rima-ima is all grown!”

I gulped as he began to cry.

“I missed it all! I never got to see any of it! How terrible!” he grabbed me by the shoulders and hugged me. My arms hung limply at my sides. “Oh don’t worry, little one. Uncle Gai is with you now! It’s all going to be OK! Everything will be OK now!”

“Gai, let her go,” Kakashi sighed.

He released me and I backed away as he turned to Kakashi. “Ah, my rival! Have you been hiding her from me all this time?!”

“Uncle Gai as gotten a lot weirder in the past few years,” I noted.

“He’s gay, right?” Shadow asked.

I frowned. “I...don’t know. Maybe?”

“We were on a mission,” Kakashi explained.

“AH! Missions encourage youth!” Gai exclaimed spinning back to me. “I should introduce you to Rock-Lee! He is a fountain of youth! You will like him a lot and he will like you!”

He better not be thinking of setting me up with this Rock-Lee, I thought watching in horror as giant hearts appeared in his eyes and he held his hands to his chest. Oh, no.

“I’m going to leave you two be,” I said quickly bounding off.


I shook my head and raced through the village, not daring to look back. I skidded around a corner and pressed against the wall.

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