[A Memory of Summer: Kate]

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On a pathway of well-coordinated plates walks a woman in low heels. Over her head are grey clouds building up what looks like a storm. Her steps are quietly walking a path she has walked before. The difference is that now it will be her last time. There won't be any more visits in the protection of the darkness and there won't be any more secrets.

Her hair is cut short, just below her ear and it is a strong golden blonde look, her eyes are striking green. Her eyes wander over the now dead flowers in the garden and look at what could have been hers. If she would have wanted it, but she decided to move away from all the judging stares and the comments floating behind closed doors.

Her name is Kate Willow and a few months ago, about a year, she fell in love with her boss. His name is Charles Moore and he already had a family of his own. It's not really fair to hang out someone as a villain here. Two adults made decisions which they both knew were going to have consequences. Just not that they would turn out the way they did.

Kate walks up the three steps of the stairs that lead to the door and stop to take a feel breath on the porch before she enters the house of her lover.

She opens the door to be met by a Charles carrying a box full of things in his hands. He smiles and kissed her on her cheek when he notices her. The moving truck is parked in front of the house and Charles keeps walking until he reaches it.

Kate goes inside.

It is always something odd about seeing a house without items such as furniture. It's as if those walls are just a bunch of bones left of a soul that used to live there. Kate brushes her hand over the pale yellow tone on the wall and walks until she reaches the kitchen to see if there are any boxes left there.

But the kitchen is empty, except for the table that is going to be left and the small boy sitting on of the chairs and looks as if he is doomed out if reality.

Kate walks closer, she pulls out a chair and sits in front of the boy. He doesn't look up and considering the circumstances that might not be so hard to understand. Kate and Charles' son, Noah, has never met where Kate is actually introduced as his girlfriend.

The first time they met was about two years ago. Noah was five at the time and he was running around in his father's office with a red toy car as his biological mother was talking to her husband. Kate as his assistant was seated outside his office and as the boy ran by her she couldn't help but catch a liking to his energized and kind mind.

The boy for the first time looks up and meet Kate's eyes. He studies them deeply. Green against grey.

"It happened right next to the chair you are sitting on."

The boy had lost all the happiness and excitement in his voice which Kate used to define him by.

"What do..."

"My mum hung herself right next to where you are sitting."

It hits Kate like a punch in her chest. The hair on her arms rises as her eyes widen. But Noah doesn't react, he just stares right at her.

"You had my mum kill herself."

Kate can't happen but rise so fast from the chair so that the chair lands on the floor with a loud bang. She moves around the table and wants nothing more than to embrace the boy that now got tears in his innocent eyes. But he flinches and moves away from her.


Both Kate and Noah turn their heads around as they both realize Charles is standing behind them. There is a very harsh tone in his voice which Kate doesn't understand why he uses against his own son.

"You too. You let her die right here while you were with her."

Noah rises a finger and points at Kate. Behind her, she can hear how fast and heavy steps are coming toward them. As she looks at Charles he has a glance in his eyes which scares her. She steps before him and is almost as a consequence pushed down on to the floor.

"This is not what you told me, Charles."

In Charles' eyes, there actually seems to be something he is battling. Kate can't comprehend why he thought to hide something this big from her. All she had been told was that Charles and Angela had split up on good terms and that she had decided to move back to her childhood home. Noah wanted to live with his father.

"I didn't think the time fitted to tell you now."

He lays a soft and protecting hand on Kate's chin. There is a ten-year difference between the two, but now with the pleading look in Charles' eyes, you could almost think that it was the other way around.

"We will have to talk a lot of things out."

Charles nods his head as he looks behind Kate's shoulder where Noah is still standing.

"Let's just get out of here."

Without a warning, Charles turns around and heads for the stairs to get another box. Hopefully the last one. Kate turns around to meet Noah.

"It is your fault. All of this. I hate you."

He talks as if he just needs to get those words said, not with an attitude and not with the purpose if anyone responding.

"Noah your mother was sick. She..."

"Don't you dare tell me who my mother was."

At this moment he is taking out something red from one of his pockets and throws it across the kitchen before running outside.

Kate stands still and lets it all sink in. Her new reality wasn't always what she had dreamt off. The words "It's going to be alright" is repeated by her inside her head. But it is even hard for her to believe them right now.

"Honey, are you ready to go?"

She turns around and faces her future. She knew what kind of game she was playing from the beginning and she knew she was ready to play all her cards for him. She just didn't understand that he was ready to do the same. In the end, it seems he had been playing with kings and queens while her was the weaker once.

Behind the fallen chair is a red toy car, now a bit broken down, laying on the side with a wheel missing. Kate looks at it as if she wants to go and get it to take with her. But the car is still there as keys for the last time lock the door of the house of fallen cards.


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Your dearest,

6th of April

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