Truth Revealed

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I apologize in advance if this part may seem confusing. If you have questions, just comment and I will try to clear up anything for ya!


Not a week later, everyone was back at Gauken.

And time seemed to have rewound to before Canada went missing. The only one who noticed, though, was Canada. He was the only one who knew that life the past several weeks had not been peaceful. At least for him it wasn't.

He tried explaining what happened to everyone.

"Wait, you had another brother? I thought America was your only brother." This was a common response he received.

"I didn't even know I had another brother," Canada replied. "I didn't know there were two halves to me."

"Isn't there two halves to everyone?" England asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Two halves to everyone. The good half, the bad half. One dominates the other though."

"Like a 1p and 2p," Canada thought out loud.

"A what?" America asked.

"1p and 2p. The personalities are polar opposites."

"Yeah, something like that," England agreed.

"We are the good half."

"How do you know that?"

"We were put in charge of bringing up the nations, weren't we? That is proof enough. The bad half wouldn't be put in charge of something so important. It would all fall to chaos."

"That makes sense," England said, putting a hand to his chin. "But what doesn't is how you became three people while everyone else was two."

"I still don't know myself," Canada admitted. "I don't even know where he came from."

"You didn't grow up in the same house?" Italy asked.

"No. England and France raised me and America. I don't know who the other Matthew was raised by."

"Matthew Wild?" someone else asked.

"Y... Yes."

"I did." Denmark stepped forward.

Everyone looked at him. "When did you... raise someone?" England asked.

"To be honest, I thought he was just a regular human. I didn't know he was a part of a country. But I found him when he was no more than three years old."

"By himself? And he survived that long without someone to help him?" England asked, shocked.

"I'm sure someone raised him his first few years. Or it could have been that because Williams lived, Wild did too."

No one had a response to that. They seemed to think that was the only explanation to how there were two people representing the same country that wasn't originally split in half. Or wasn't supposed to be split.

"No... That's not it," Canada spoke up after a minute or so of silence.

"What do you mean?" England asked.

"You don't remember him, do you?"

"Remember... who?"

"Wild. You and France raised Alfred, Wild, and I. I remember him. I didn't at first, though."

"We did not raise three countries," England said. "Only two."

"You're wrong. You raised three. You left Wild at the park one day. The day Denmark must have found him."

America looked down in thought. England did too.

America suddenly looked up. "Oh, crap! I can't believe I forgot my own brother! For a second time..."

"You remember him?" Canada asked.

"I do now. I feel really bad about it..."

"It's okay, Al."

Everyone turned.

Matthew Wild stood before them, nothing more than a ghost. A small smile was present on his face.

"I'm glad you remember me. Thank you." Then he vanished without a trace.

America looked down. "He's thanking me?" he asked himself. "Why...? Why is he thanking me?"

"Al?" Canada asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine," America looked back up. "Why?"

"You seem... upset over something."

"I don't understand why he thanked me is all," America said. He folded his arms over his chest. "I don't deserve it."

"Well... he thinks you do. Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?"

America hesitated before responding. "Okay."

"So touching."

Everyone looked around. No one but them were there, but none of them spoke. Canada looked up. He gasped silently.


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