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Sorry if the previous part was bad... I was out of ideas and the only thing I could think of was to have it end the way it did. So now I will continue from part five and include the ending from the "shopping day" chapter so hopefully everything will be tied together...


"You really just said it...!" I could tell that Alfred was getting past ticked at Arthur now.

Arthur had looked away. "I already said I was sorry," he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

I decided to try to play it off and act like I didn't know what was happening, although I did. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

Alfred looked at me with an expression mixed of sadness and still some anger, but that was towards Arthur and I knew it. "Well, you see bro..." he started.

I couldn't play it off. "You don't think I'm the 'Matt' you know, do you?" As soon as I said it, I instantly regretted ever coming to this school.

"Guess he figured it out?" Arthur asked, sounding disappointed.

"How long have you known, bro?" Alfred asked.

"Well, since Michelle came up to me yesterday and asked me if I was the Matt everyone knew, or rather the Matt SHE used to know."

Alfred looked away. Arthur didn't turn to look back at us. In my head, I decided to leave the school in the middle of the night and not come back. EVER.


Around eight at night, when Alfred had gone to go get more for dinner, I packed up my bag, leaving my uniform hanging in my closet. I couldn't wait. I had to leave now, while I know that no one would see me.


I crossed the school parking lot without getting noticed and quickly ran around the corner toward the mall. When I reached the mall, I went in and decided to leave Alfred something so that he would know I left on my own accord, that I was not kidnapped or anything. I went to the "Hot Topic" store and saw one of the employee girls locking up. I scribbled a note on a scrap piece of paper and went up to her.

"Oh, hi. We closed, but if you want to look around I think I can let you have about five or ten minutes," she said when I was about to speak up.

"Actually, if my friend Alfred comes here to look for me, can you give him this note?" I asked, my voice being quiet, like usual. I handed her the note, folded.

She didn't unfold it. Just put it in her pocket. "No problem. I'll be sure to give it to him if he comes to look for you here."

"Th-Thank you," I said, stuttering.

She smiled at me. "I'm Melissa. What's your name?"

"Matthew. It's nice to meet you, Melissa."

"You too, Matthew."

We walked and talked to the front of the mall. We parted ways and I walked down the road a long ways until it was so dark that I could barely see my hand in front of my face. I went off the side of the road to the park and slept on a park bench.


<Alfred's P.O.V.>

"He what?!" Yao, Arthur, Ivan, and Kiku asked in unison as I read them the note Mattie No. 2 left me.

"He left us because he felt like he wasn't needed or really wanted at this school anymore," I repeated for the second time.

"Why would he not want to stay?" Michelle asked from behind everyone.

"I think it might have been because you questioned him being the Mattie we all knew at one time," I told her. I knew it was harsh, but it's the truth.

She nodded in understanding. "Okay, so I'll find him and bring him back."

"You can't--" Yao started.

"It's my fault he left, so I have to go find him. By myself," Michelle interrupted.

"And I say I won't let you go by yourself aru," Yao protested. "He was our friend too, even if he wasn't our Canada."

Michelle sighed. I guess she figured she couldn't find any point in arguing any further.

<Yao's P.O.V.>

"We can all search for him together, starting where you had found the note, America."

He looked a bit confused when I said where he found the note. "I was actually given it by a worker at 'Hot Topic' named Melissa this morning."

"Did you ask her if she knew vere he vent after giving her zhe note?" one of our newest found friends, Germany, asked.

"She said that she parted ways with him at the mall entrance when she went to her car. I think she also said he was walking toward the park, but I'm not positive if I heard her right."

"Then we'll-a start there!" Italy, also a newly found friend, said.


The eight of us went to the office building and told them the situation, but that we were going to find him ourselves. America added that last part.

We all practically ran down the street to the park where we didn't find him. There wasn't even a trace of him there. "We must have missed him aru," I said.

I looked around. That was when I spotted him. The Canada we were missing for about seventeen or eighteen weeks.

"Look!" I said, pointing at him. "It's our Canada!"

"Our who?" I heard England ask.

I shook my head at him and almost ran over to Canada.


This is the end of this part because I am in school and I don't have very much time to update anymore with all the homework and school clubs I'm in... So...

Sayonara for now! ~rematoya_98~

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