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<Matthew's P.O.V.>

The thought of me posibly hating someone made me feel sick. I had never really disliked someone before, unless you count my step-father from whom I ran. I could instantly tell that seeing these names was regenerating some lost memories.

America... the arrogent one who thought I was his brother when I first arrived at Gauken.

China... someone I sat with in one of my classes. From what I remember, China was friendly.

Russia... ... I don't remember much of what he was like.

France... perverted.

Germany... always watching out for his younger, or seemingly younger, ally Italy.

Italy... constantly talking of his pasta.

Then there were some I didn't quite remember. Those were: Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Ukraine, Belarus, Switzerland (which is shocking in my book), Liechtenstein, and a bunch of others.

I tried to figure this out in my head. What would have caused this to happen...?


<America's P.O.V.>

I tried to understand what England was telling me. Using his magic would cause something and form a pretty much bad world now time's screwed up?

"Are you getting what I'm saying, America?" England asked, though I barely heard him.

"Kinda. We're stuck here unless someone else does something, right?"


"Well then," I said. "This sucks." It had to be a little worse for him, 'cause without his magic, I don't think he can see his little imaginary friends. There's an upside for me! ... I think...

"Any ideas on what we should do until then?"

"Not a clue," I said as I sat up.

<England's P.O.V.>

I sat on the stump a few feet from where America sat on the ground. I was examining what magic I had. I wasn't about to use any, mainly because I don't want to know what happens if I were to do so.

There was really nothing here except the giant hole that nearly swallowed America. Something about it was calling me to examine it, but something else was telling me to stay where I was.

I stood up and walked over to the edge of the hole and crouched beside it to look down into it. The bottom of the hole may have been about twelve feet down. Or... was it farther? There is something about this that doesn't seem right...

<Omnicient P.O.V.>

England began to cautiously make his way down to the bottom of the hole when he heard something. It sounded like someone was falling into the hole.


England stopped when he saw someone caught on a ledge on the far side of the hole. "Are you alright?" he called to the person.

"Y-Yes, I'm okay," the person responded. Did he use a Nordic accent? "Just stuck here."

England began making his way back up out of the hole. He walked around to the other side and started to climb down to try to help whoever it was get back up. When he reached the person, he could see that he was hanging by his lighter blue jacket off the edge of the ledge. The boy looked up when England reached a hand down beside him to try to help him.

When the boy was back up out of the hole, he thanked England and introduced himself as Finland. America came over by this time.

"Finland, huh?" America asked. "You're one of the Nordics then?"

"Yes." Finland looked a little nervous.


"So what are we suppossed to do, aru?" China asked.

"I don't know exactly," Russia replied. The two of them were sitting along the treeline where they found each other. That's pretty much all they've been doing.

"Well... we can't just sit here," China said after a moment. "We need to figure out what happened to strand us out here and not remember anything." He stood up.

Russia looked up at China from where he sat on the ground. "Any place we should start?" he asked as he stood up.

"Lets just continue this way," China said as he pointed past where Russia stood, "and see if we can find someone."

Russia nodded his agreement and the two of them headed in the direction that China suggested.


They didn't quite find anyone, but they did find a... village of some sort.

"What...?" China thought out loud.

Russia's expression matched China's question. He turned to the side when he thought he heard something.

Someone came out from around a corner of a building a little ways away. He stopped when he saw China and Russia. He turned his head, as if he were talking quietly to a friend.

The friend also came around the corner. He looked familiar to China, but China couldn't put his finger on the name.

The two pairs headed toward each other cautiously, not sure if they could trust the other yet. When they neared in the center, the two pairs realized that they could trust each other.

"Are you two lost as well?" the one Russia had first seen asked, whom had tan to blond hair, indigo eyes, and glasses.

"Yes," China replied. "And we have no idea what is going on."

"Neither do we," the second one, whom had black hair and brown eyes. "Maybe arr of us can find what is going on if we work together?"

"Yes, maybe," Russia said.

"Wait... Japan?" China asked.

The one with black hair blinked a few times. "You... know me?"

A slightly confused look appeared on China's face. "You don't remember me?"


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