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[yay a part two is here! I had been unable to decide what to put in this part of the story, but I eventually figured it out, so it's all good now! ^^] 

Okay, I'll stop blabbing and get onto the story


I don't know what I'm goin to do. For the past three nights that I have spent here, I have had the same dream.

I wake up in a dark room with no one and nothing in sight. I feel as though I'm being cornered by something. But I don't know what.

What comes after that is something I don't even know. I see something bright white for a second and then I'm awake, panting like I just ran sixteen laps around the track. Alfred was awake this time, though.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked. He sounds more concerned than he ever has before. I couldn't see him because the light wasn't on in our room, but I heard him sit up in his bed.

"I..." I had started to say I was okay, buti felt something roll down my face. I wasn't okay because I was crying. I couldn't say anything. This dream, or rather nightmare was scaring the wits out of me. But this is the only time I have cried about it.

I heard Alfred get out of his bed and come over to the side of mine. "You're not, I can tell," he said quietly. In the darkness I could just see the outline of him. He was kneeling down beside my bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, trying to be gentle with me when he spoke. This cannot be the same guy I met three days ago.

I turned away from him and stared at the wall. "I don't know," I eventually said quietly.

"It's okay, I'll listen," Alfred--no wait. It's not him. The voice was different. It was kind of high pitched. I felt like I have heard it before, but I don't know from where.

I turned back around to face the voice when I felt something sitting on my arm. I looked in that general direction and saw something fluffy. What was it? An animal? But... it can talk...

I looked at it funny, but without my glasses, it was blurry. It seemed to be looking at me, but I couldn't tell. "You are...?" I asked quietly.

"Kumajiro," came a soft reply, not the same high pitched voice though. It was like a voice in my head. "Kumajiro..." the voice seemed to be calling out to this thing on my arm.

"Ku-Kumajiro...?" I asked aloud.

The thing on my arm moved and was now laying up by my head. That must have been its name.

"I'll listen," it repeated.

I didn't know what to say to it, so I just stayed quiet. Would it really listen if I said something? I felt something brush my cheek and then something crawling around in a circle on my pillow beside my head.

"Who are you?" the high pitched voice asked.

Something clicked in my head. I've heard that question in that voice before. But where?


Where did THAT answer come from? It just seemed to be my natural response apparently, because it didn't seem to out of the ordinary. But still...

"Oh," came a soft mumbled reply.

I layed on my back and stared at the ceiling. After about ten or so minutes, I fell asleep.

Something started blairing in my ear. An alarm. My hand shot out from under my blanket and turned it off. Again, a natural thing to do. I picked up my glasses and sat up in bed. Something rolled off my other arm and I looked over at it. It was a small white bear. It was sleeping.

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