Now They See You...

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[part three yay!]

I don't know how well this part will turn out, mainly because I haven't had time to do much writing these days... So sorry if it's bad! Please don't hurt me! *runs and hides*


That guy is still following me. What a creeper! I see him now in all of my classes and seems to always be watching me. ME!

I had thought about going to ask Arthur what was going on because apparently he can see what cannot be seen by others, so it seems like a legitiment reason to go ask him about me seeing this guy following me. But then again, he doesn't seem to be the kind to give good advice sometimes.

Being Sunday today and having no classes, I decided to get permission to leave the campus and take a walk into town. I made sure I wouldn't get lost by looking for landmarks along the way.

"Look guys, we're not here to pick a fight," I heard a familiar voice say. It sounded aggravated.

I looked over next to an ice cream parlor and saw five huge guys standing over Basch and Lili. Lili was clinging onto her brother, and Basch was trying to fight off the guys. I thought about going to help, but sometime ago, Basch said he could handle anything when it came to protecting his younger sister.

I didn't want to leave them alone, because I figured that no one else would come to help them if they needed it. So I stayed just out of sight and listened to what was going on.

I heard Lili scream and what sounded like a muffled "Lili!" come from beside the parlor. Something must have happened to her. I cautiously peeked into the small alley to see Basch struggling underneath two of the guys. A third loomed over them from behind. The fourth and fifth as well as Lili were gone.

Basch must have seen me because he yelled, or tried to yell, "Save my sister, you!"

I looked around and soon spotted her two shops down. She was being dragged by the two guys down the street. No one else was out today, still being early, so I decided I could throw a few hits to set her free.

I ran down to the shop and pushed for a second when Lili saw me. I put a finger to my lips and decided to play as one of the guys trying to take her. I have played roles like this before and it always seemed to work. I put up my dark hood and walked up to them.

"What are you doing?" I asked in as low as a voice as I could.

The two guys turned around and seemed to think I was someone they knew. "Nous faisons seulement ce que vous nous avez dit de le faire, patron," one of the guys said in a deeper voice. He was speaking French, and I understood it all perfectly. What he said was "We're only doing what you told us, boss." So they thought I was their boss, huh?

"Pourquoi est-ce vous aurait kidnapper une jeune fille innocente comme elle?" I asked. Meaning, "Why would you kidnap an innocent girl like her?" I then told them, "Elle n'est pas qui je vous ai dit de l'enlever." Translating to "She's not who I told you to kidnap." I was playing the part of their boss... like a boss.

They had looked at me funny. But I continued. "Au contraire, je ne vous de kidnapper quelqu'un dit. Lui laisser aller et jamais kidnapper quelqu'un at-il encore une fois." They seemed to fully understand that I was telling them "Rather, I didn't tell you to kidnap anyone. Let her go and never kidnap anyone again" because they let Lili go. As soon as she was released, she ran down to another building down the block.

Soon after that, Basch came up behind me, but by that time the two guys that had Lili were gone. I put down my hood and turned to face Basch, only to see him covered in bruises and scrapes. "Did... you save her?" he asked between gasps of air.

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