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Nothing was said. The countries all sat in silence, each in his or her own cell in the burnt out prison in the midst of the 2ps' hideout.

The question had already been asked: what do the 2ps want with the 1ps. No one had an answer except for Oliver and he refused to tell it.

The silence was broken by the sound of something slamming against a wall. Most of the 1p countries jumped.

"Dang it!" Seychelles's voice rang out. "Now of all times!"

"What's wrong, Seychelles?" Canada asked.

"Those dumb 2ps couldn't have picked a worse time to capture me." She lowered her fist from the wall. "I hate this. Why now of all other times they had?"

"What do you mean by 'now of all times'?" England asked.

Seychelles hesitated before letting out a sigh. "I'm kind of in a bad position right now. My country is falling apart. I almost had the economy stable then those dummies show up and tear it all apart so I have to start again from scratch!" She turned and sat down on the floor of her cell, leaning back against the wall.

"Because of the war?"

"Yeah. Cambodia will probably think he won and can just take my resources as he pleases. I hope my troops can keep his out."

"We aren't even attacking you anymore, Seychelles. We stopped a week ago." Cambodia spoke up.

"Then who attacked me?"

"That, my dear, would have been me."

Seychelles rolled her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "What do you want, Austin?"

"Nothing. I have simply been sent to make sure none of you escape."

"Like we'd even try. You'd shoot us down before we even got to the gates of this place."

"Um, then how do you explain the sudden disappearance of Scotland, Norway, and England?" America asked. "I didn't hear any gunshots."

Seychelles turned her head to look toward where she could see where England would have been. The gate was closed. No trace of him. How'd he do it? Seychelles thought.


Matthew stood behind a tree just outside the border of the 2ps world. How do I expect to save them? he thought to himself. I guess I never thought about that.

He was about to head into 2p territory when something caught the back of his shirt. Whoever it was quickly shot their hand over his mouth.

"Don't say anything," they hissed. It sounded like a female. "You are coming with me."

She pushed him toward 2p territory. He didn't bother trying to stop her or fight her. He knew who she was. He knew who and what she was.

Melissa. The worker at Hot Topic he met several days ago. Now she was here, as the leader of the 2ps.

That's when it hit him. Leader. If she is the leader, why didn't she kill him already?

"You are North Canada, aren't you?"

The question shocked him.

"That would explain why everyone thought you were their 'Mattie', right? It would explain why you look almost identical. It would explain your similar personalities. It would explain a lot."

That got him thinking. But if I was North Canada, he thought, wouldn't I share a last name with him? Not a first name?

Melissa stopped abruptly. Then she vanished. And Matthew felt nothing.

For just a moment he felt nothing.

Then all he could feel was the thick air of the meeting room at the World Summit Place surrounding him along with the table in front of him and the chair beneath him.

He stared blankly ahead of him. No one was in the room with him. Not even Kumajiro.

But he heard a voice in his head. "Brother. We are together at last."

Who I Amحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن