He's Gone

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I'll get right to the story.


<Yao's P.O.V... still>

"There's no way that is Canada, my bro," I heard America say.

"It is aru!" I said to him.

Canada looked up when I neared him. He seemed to be almost lost or hurt. If not both. Just when I was about six feet from him, he collapsed face-first on the ground. The others had started running by this point.

"Mattie!" I heard America call.

That's when I noticed the outline of someone on a bench. It was the other Matthew. I don't think anyone else noticed him.

Or maybe it was an illusion. I thought I saw him, but I guess my mind was playing with me...


<Matthew's P.O.V.>

I don't know what happened. I thought I had seen someone across the park, but I guess I was wrong. Who was that that fell down? Where did he go?

I stood from the bench I was laying on and went in the general direction of the guy who had fallen face-first on the ground.

It... It was me...

How could I have been the one to fall if I'm standing over the body right now? I knelt down to get a closer look, just to see if this guy was alive.

But it's not me... It... It's that guy I saw in those visions I was getting! What was his name again? Wasn't it Matthew like mine? How could I forget someone that has the same name as me?

What even happened to him? Why did he faint?

I turned around and saw nothing but a long path up to a mansion. I thought I was in the park! All I should be seeing is trees!

I felt something tug at my sleeve. I turned back and saw the other Matthew looking weakly up at me.

"You have... to save... my friends..." he rasped to me.

I was stunned. What was I here for? Where did I even come from? Something was toying with me... No, it is erasing my memories. I don't remember anything before arriving at the school about a half year ago. Or was it longer than that? I don't remember anything. All I have are the visions. Visions that I cannot erase, no matter what I do or how hard I try to erase them from my mind.

I stood up and faced the mansion. "I'll try my best," I told the other Matthew. But he wasn't there. He was gone.

Not knowing what I would be facing, I hesitated before making my way towards the mansion. The sky all around it was dark and gloomy. I pushed my glasses up on my nose and entered the gate.

As soon as I got near the door, I heard something like gunfire. I pushed open the door and saw eight people standing with their backs to me. Something loomed in front of them. I saw the shadow, but I didn't see what it was that was creating it.

One of the people turned around. He saw the open door and dived for it. "Let's go!" he shouted.

"But what about Italy, Japan, and China?" another called back to him. "They still haven't come back."

"If we don't leave now, there won't be any of the major world powers left," the one now holding the door said. "They can find their own way, they're smart enough."

I couldn't see faces. I couldn't even tell them apart by their voices. All I could do was listen to the conversation.

"I don't vant to leave anyone behind if I don't have to," a third spoke. "But as of now, ve may have to."

They filed past me and sprinted toward the gate. I stayed in the door way, the only thing keeping it from opening and closing. Keeping it from opening? ...

I saw something move toward the top of the stairs. It was two, no, three people. Could they be... Were their names Italy, Japan, and China? I don't remember... I don't even know who is who.

One of them was limping, another was being nearly dragged, and the third seemed almost as injured as the first, if not more.

They made their way toward the door and I pulled it open for them.

I followed them through the gate and realized that we were not at the park any more. I didn't even know where...

... I was?


End of part nine! Sorry it took me so long to update... Been busy with school and stuffs.

I didn't know how this would turn out, but here is a new part for those of you who wanna continue to read!

Sayonara for now! ~rematoya_98~

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