My vision was dimming, seeing as I was already half asleep. I heard Niall talking to someone, but I wasn't quite catching the words. I yawned and muttered, "Night, Ni, love ya," and fell asleep to the feel of someone picking me up.


I stirred slightly and realized I was in my bed by the smell of a mixture of myself and Harry. I groaned as I rolled over, feeling my heavy limbs. "Boo? Are you awake?" I heard to my left and I struggled to open my eyes.

As soon as I could I looked and saw Harry standing there looking at me worriedly. "Mm, yeah," I sighed and he sighed also. "You've been asleep for two days, Louis! I told you not to overwork yourself! Dr. Snyder checked on you and said everything is fine, and that you should just sleep, but I was so scared! You were so pale, and unmoving, and- and," he said, breaking down and starting to cry.

I was shocked. I didn't know it was that bad. "Hazza? I'm sorry, and I swear I'll listen now. its just I promised on my element that I'd be there for Niall, just like he always was. But I promise to take better care of myself," I said, holding out my hand and begging for him to look at me.

He took my hand and wiped his eyes with his other. "I know baby, but it just reminded me of when I walked into the hospital room a few months ago and saw you laying there c-completely pale, and- and I just-" he said, breaking down in the end.

My heart broke and I pulled the younger boy closer. I hugged him tightly as possible with my baby bump in the way. "I'm so sorry, Harry, I wasn't thinking. But," I said, making him look up and staring into his eyes, "I swear to you, I'll take better care and I'll be more careful. I love you, Hazza." he smiled waterly at me and leaned forward, catching my mouth in a sudden kiss. he pulled back and said, "I'll hold you to that." I smiled at him and pulled him back down for another kiss.

About another hour or two later, Harry brought me downstairs. I really didn't want him picking me up, but he wouldn't let me say no. He got me to the kitchen and brought out a pleasant surprise, Niall with a small baby in his arms and Josh with another.

"They just got here," Harry said, handing me a carton of watermelon. "Is that Alex?" I asked, looking at the smaller baby in Niall's arms. Niall smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, this is Alexander James Devine. Do you want to hold him?" he asked and I nodded, wiping my hands to get rid of the watermelon juice I had on them.

He very gently handed me the small boy and I smiled at him. He looked a lot like Adrianna except he had dark dark brown hair while hers was a bit lighter. "Is his eye color the same as Adrianna's?" I asked and Niall shook his head. "No, Anna's eye color is pure blue where his has flecks of brown and green in them. They're like a perfect mixture of my blue and Josh's hazel," he said and to prove him right, little Alex yawned a bit and opened his eyes.

His eyes were almost completely blue, but you could see the green and brown around his irises and pupils. "Oh, wow, they're gorgeous!" I whispered, rocking the little boy back and forth slightly. He looked around a bit and looked at me. He just stared at me for a while as I rocked him. He scrunched up his face after about a minute of staring and I sighed. "He wants to be fed," I said, just as he started crying.

Niall blinked and pulled out a bottle from the diaper bag he had around his shoulders. He stuck it in the microwave and a few seconds later he pulled it out, testing it on his arm. "Here, before he wakes up Anna," he said, handing me the bottle and a burp rag.

I quickly pressed the tip of the bottle to the baby's mouth and he quickly latched on, getting quieter as he ate. Niall sighed and sat down on a chair quickly. Josh yawned and kept rocking the baby girl in his arms.

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