The Cave (Chapter 6)

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Are you a meat lover or vegetable lover!?

Shawn Pov

"Shawn here!!! tried to eat something", Lodi came inside the cave. The rain was strong and we had no other choice than to find a place to stay until the storm passed.

"No don't wanna eat j-just leave me alone!", I put my knees against my chest and sit down. I know that my cock must be visible by now but I really don't care. I feel depressed and sick.

"Come on Shawn you must eat", Lodi sat next to me and put the fruit near my mouth. But without thinking I throw the fruit down and regain my pose.

"Shawn that's not good to throw foods like that", Lodi grabbed my chin and forced myself to look at him.

"CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE", I pushed him away from me. He got distanced by me. Lodi's face was shocked and painful.

Ah, shit no no this wasn't that I plan. I really didn't want to hurt him. He is very gentle and kind to me. And I just acted selfishly.

"Lodi I'm just", Lodi cut me off while he was talking.

"Shawn do you think that it's my fault that your friends had left you behind", Lodi stay where he was.

"No that's not the case", I bit my lower lips.

"But I think its that case, if you really think that its all my fault then I better leave from here and let you rest", He took his weapon which was lean against the cave wall and went away.

"Lodi no stop ouch shit", I quickly got up from my depressed pose and tried to stop him but suddenly the pain in my feet just rise up and was giving me pain. I lift my head up to see where Lodi is but unfortunately he was long gone away.

I did not really want that to happen to me. Firstly being left by my friends had really a great sad impact on me. But secondly thinking about it clearly. Maybe the god was giving me another chance to stay here.....stay near Lodi. Maybe it was my destiny to be with him and be loved by his kindness and emotions. I just can't let my childish behavior to ruin that opportunity that God gave me. I must be happy and I also know that my friend would never leave me here unless they had a reason.

The fruits on the floor caught my attention. I slowly crawled to it and took them in my palms. Why did I throw them? Lodi may have gone to a lot of trouble to get those for me. I wiped the fruit with my hand and took a bit of it. Once the fruit's flesh enters my mouth. I closed my eyes in an attempt to enjoy the sweetness that overwhelms my mouth with pleasure. I don't even what kind of fruit it is but I truly trust Lodi. Once I finished eating I looked toward the entrance of the cave but no sign of Lodi. I sigh and lay on the dusty floor. Where could he go!!?. I miss him already. Lodi, I'm so sorry.


I slowly open my eyes. But the coldness hit my body which caused me to shiver. I wiped the drooling from my mouth. I turn around to see if Lodi was here. But maybe luck wasn't with me.

It was already night. Seriously where could he go? I took precautions while standing up and walked outside. The pain in my feet was still here but it's not the time to be weak. I must find Lodi first and then asked forgiveness to him. I really feel bad to treat him like this.

The weather was still bad and the rain keeps on pouring heavily. The water hit my body but that didn't cause me to stop walking. My naked feet stomped against the wet ground and mud keep on sticking to my feet. Shit, I really miss my shoes right now. Like seriously I am very uncomfortable right now. But this little thing won't stop me from searching Lodi!!!!!!!!!.

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