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"Get over here, Aiden!" Barked my farther, the red eco sage.

This was the very last stance and we had no where else to go, besides for me after all. I was the one that had to continue on because I was the only one that was the smallest out of the survivors in our land. Sandover Village was the cause of this, the green Eco Sage along with his trusty peers vanished and we presume that they were killed with everything that happened. So we only had one shot at this, I spent the last four months training to get this perfect. I was the only one forced to channel white eco, and I knew I had one shot to destroy that Dreadful teleporter that brought these foul creatures into the world.

"Here's the eco, good luck..." with a very worried tone, the blue Eco Sage gave me a capsule with limited amount of white ego. With this, I would be able to shoot down the rift and we will be able to kill the metal head that was left in our world. I looked at the small little hole, the only entrance for the metalheads to crawl through for going in and out of their hive. I took a deep breath, ready to push in.

"Eco sages, on me... along with everyone else! We have to attack the back!" Blurred out the yellow Eco Sage. I took my breath, adjusting my grasp on to the capsule with the white eco. I got on my fours as everybody rushed to the other side of the hive and I crawled my way to the very center of it to get rid of that ring that started everything. It was the Green Eco sage and those peers of his that started this, and it was time to end it. 4 years of this, 4 years of scraping by little food... after this Grand Victory I was going to make a feast with that wretched Metalhead King's skull as the main attraction.

The tubes became narrow, leaving me to drag my knees in the crust covered molded slime. I begin to cough as I dug up the mold into the air but I had to get there, so I pushed onwards finally seeing light from all the twists and turns. My time was now, so I rushed forward pulling my waist out and bringing my knees closer as a dusted off the slimy mold. I took my breath of the toxic air around me, I practice breathing the stuff in for hours on end just to perform this mission. I see the ring directly on head of me.

Eggs of scorpion metalheads scoured the floor, if I made one trip or one false move I would be dead as I've only ever practice beating these guys up with the red eco. I cover my mouth and watch a head as my feet placed strategically in the gaps between the eggs trying not to step on the veins that connected them together. By the time I got to the green Sage's house for the Rings, I saw the wood already covered mold and veins. I took more steps up the ramp, getting to the edge of the ring and popping my white Eco capsule. Something was off, something was gone. I look around me, feeling my hopes to plead I can see the middle head watching me as he starts creeping up as if to perform a sneak attack.

I quickly pull out the white Eco from the capsule and start firing at the rings that brought them here. He started laughing and running closer, using all of his legs that acted like a spider to crawl near me.

"You fool, I killed all of your posse... Give up and I'll kill you swiftly..." He seem to smile with his Blood Stained mouth. I continue to anyway, taking my stand and aiming for the four spots that I need to cut. "Very well then!" He had screamed, taking a blow into my back as I fell down into the ground and the white Eco from me healing me. It was wasting it, I needed it to destroy the ring. I got up again from the position that I was not too, furring up the second corner.

Claws dig into my back, and grabbing his thumb into my stomach piercing it as I feel the White Eco trying to drain for my body and heal myself but I just move on to the third quarter. The King used every single fiber of his being to try to take me out but then it wasn't enough for the power of white eco, he finally had enough and picked me up and slammed me on the ground as I still had my hand up in the air burning through the for precursor metal with everything I got. This was the last chance, but then suddenly it broke and the Metalhead King screamed. He drove into it, his hand still on me, the precursor metal folding on itself and collapsing as I watched the portal close. I don't know where I'm going, but I do know that I closed that and the survivors will kill those metalheads even if it had to make a sacrifice out of myself. I have no idea if he's lying about killing all of the survivors that were attacking, but I do know the blood on his lips were not new.

His grasp on me gave way, and some of the rest of the white Eco healed me as I begin to drift off alone and the never ending colors of the portal. It felt like it was falling forever, having nowhere to go. A bright light flashes, and I shut my eyes as I do not want to blame myself. I feel myself falling and not being pulled anymore, sending me an impact and what felt like bones breaking... the white eco is gone, and I'm still alive... but knocked out.

Eco Sages - Jak and Daxter Where stories live. Discover now