Opposites attract

Start from the beginning

There was no sign of Red Death...yet. Only Pitch and his nightmares-Hans,Elsa,Jack,Mother Gothel and Mor'du.

Pitch noticed something. Jack was standing next to Elsa...a little too near each other. Pitch smirked. He could use that to his advantage...

"Ugh, why do you bother wearing that, Elsa?" Nightmare Elsa sneered from beside Pitch. She pointed at Elsa's dress, "It makes you look even more like a cow"

Elsa gritted her teeth. She could feel her anger boiling. Usually she was so calm but now her powers were breaking through the surface.

Wait, what's going? Elsa thought confused. Her team was looking at her worriedly.

"Uh...Elsa..?" Rapunzel asked worriedly, stepping away and hiding behind Flynn.

Elsa could feel her muscles tensing.

A glare forming on her face.

Her fists clenching.

Aggressive blue sparks on her fingertips.

Her anger, frustration, worry, sadness-all these crazy emotions binding and bursting.

She could feel days of power coursing through her.

She wasn't being controlled by the evil voice. Her voice was normal. She also looks the same.

"How...dare...you..." Elsa snarled.

And then she charged.


Jack just gaped in shock.

The rest of the team did the same. They just stared at Elsa.

She had completely lost it.

She charged at Pitch (who was taken by surprise), her hands glowing blue. Sharp icicles erupted from the ground causing the bad guys to jump back.

"Ooh, someone's angry" Nightmare Jack laughed obnoxiously and he dodged another one of Elsa's attacks.

Jack and the other good guys immediately joined in. Jack tried to get to Pitch and Elsa was attacking both Evil Elsa and Evil Jack. Rapunzel, Anna and Flynn were handling Dark Mother Gothel and Dark Hans and Hiccup and Toothless help Merida with Mor'du.

Let's just say, it was a pretty intense battle.





(and awesome)


"Mother knows best!" Mother Gothel sang, flinging her black sand whips around. Rapunzel grimaced as it almost hit her hair.

"Why...is...she...after...my...hair?" With each word, Rapunzel dodged an attack from Mother Gothel.

"I dunno," Anna shrugged, throwing as many stones as she can...everywhere, "Maybe she wants to cut it?"

"Maybe," Rapunzel agreed, hitting Mother Gothel in the face with the frying pan, "By the way, I originally have brown hair"

"Really? I can imagine you with long brown-Ouch!" Anna squealed and rubbed her elbow, "Funny bone! Pins and needles! OUCH, OUCH,OUCH,OUCH, OUCH!"

"I actually had short brown hair," Rapunzel continued the conversation as they fought, "Oh, Eugene, if you cut it, this time, a little lower-''

"Why are you asking me that?!" Flynn yelled, dodging an attack from Hans, "THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL US!"

"RRRAAAWWRRR!" Mor'du roared from the other side of the battle field.

"Ah, shut up, ya wee buffoon" Merida shot an arrow but Mor'du simply turned into a shadow and the arrow sailed through.

"Wait...wait for it...NOW, TOOTHLESS, PLASMA BLAST!" Hiccup yelled at Toothless.

Hearing the word, Toothless sent a plasma blast as soon and Mor'du reappeared from the shadows. The blast went right into Mor'du and Merida quickly rolled out of the way.


Hiccup grinned as Mor'du crumbled into dust, the ground smoking after the explosion.

"Let's go help tha others" Merida said, picking up a stray arrow and wasting no time for celebration of her enemy's defeat.

Hiccup bit his lip. He had to do it. He couldn't be a coward. Jack always looked so confident around Elsa. Johnny was a total goof but he managed with Mavis. Hiccup had to at least try.

"Wait, Merida," Hiccup stopped her.

She turned around impatiently, her head still in the battle. She was still trying to make her mind about who she should help. Anna, Rapunzel and Flynn weren't the strongest members. But then Elsa was facing two powerful nightmares on her own. And Jack had Pitch...

'I...I just wanted to say..." Hiccup rubbed the nape of his neck as Toothless nudged him forward, "Your r-really pretty and s-smart and amazi-"

Merida sighed and rolled her eyes, leaning forward, taking Hiccups collar and pressing her lips on his.

You know the whole 'fireworks' thing some people get when they kiss?

Hiccup was feeling that...times a hundred.

Fireworks...plasma blasts...explosions...whatever you want to call it.

It was a nice feeling.

Hiccups eyes glazed over and Merida pulled away. She hid her red cheeks in her hair, turned around and said:

"Now I get ta tell everyone ya a wee dope 'cuz ya didn kiss me firs'"

Merida put on a brave face  and charged into battle while Hiccup trailed dreamily behind her.

(Toothless was just sort of...awkwardly... there)


Luna, bitez and hiyaz! *Stops chewing on banshee bone*

I know I said I liked Astrid with Hiccup

But I'm just going with the flow

All my stories are made while typing

Never planned

So..never ask me what happens in the end lol

I only added this Mericcup part

because I thought there wasn't enough of it




Merged Worlds  (Book 1) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now