The Ice Queen

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Elsa landed right on top of Rapunzel, who was trying to pull all her hair in before the portal closed.

"Ugh!" Rapunzel exclaimed as she helped Elsa up, "Does anyone know how to braid?"

No one answered because they were all staring around, shocked.

"Not again..." Tooth mumbled. The tunnels were full of crushed eggs. The grass was yellow and dry. Bunny was hopping around in panic, along with some giant, concrete egg statues on legs.

If it wasn't a weird day, Elsa would've screamed. 

"It was Pitch, I tell ya!" Bunny yelled. He ran up to a tunnel and yelled, "I know your still here Pitch, show yourself!"

Rapunzel gasped. Everyone turned to see a grey man in dark robes and an evil smirk.

"We meet again, guardians" Pitch nodded, smirking, "I'm sorry for the mess, but your place was closest to my underground 'prison' but I should be thanking, I made some new, interesting friends there"

Bunny frowned and North growled. Pitch ignored Sandy and Tooth, obviously thinking they weren't worth his time.

Pitch turned his attention to Elsa, Rapunzel, Hiccup and Merida, who were all staring at him uneasily.

"And you brought guests, how lovely" Pitch laughed. Elsa frowned. She didn't like this guy at all.

"Leave us alone, ya big dope" Merida said, shooting an arrow at Pitch. Pitch laughed again, turning into a shadow and reappearing in front of Merida.

"Brave Merida, best archer out there," Pitch smiled, "I know all about you,"

Merida shuddered. "Leave or I'll send this through ya head!" She aimed her bow again. Elsa admired how brave she was.

But Pitch just laughed again and appeared behind Rapunzel, who was gripping a handful of hair and looking around cautiously.

"Rapunzel, what lovely hair" Rapunzel whimpered as Pitch picked up a stray strand, "Now, what happens if I cut it?"

Rapunzel yelped and quickly snatched the piece of hair from Pitch. Jack growled. Elsa wasn't sure what to do. She was slowly taking a step back from the others.

What if Pitch reveled her secret?


Jack hated Pitch.

He thought about sending a blast of frost at him but Pitch as standing too close to the others. What if he hit his friends?

Friends? A voice in his head asked, Since when are these wannabes your friends? And since when does Manny think you need back up?

Jack ignored this thought. He was focused on Pitch, who was by Hiccup. Hiccup was trying to calm Toothless down.

"Hiccup and Toothless," Pitch smirked, "Aren't you two close? I can take advantage of that..."

Hiccup glared at Pitch and tightened his grip on Toothless. Pitch grinned and disappeared into the shadows. North seemed to get tired of waiting for a clear shot.

"Come out here, You coward!" North yelled, brandishing his swords, "You know them, so what?"

"Oh, I know them," Pitch said from the shadows, "But do you know Elsa?"

The pale girl froze. Jack had totally forgotten about her after he pushed her though the portal.

So that was her name...


Sort of unique. But what did Pitch mean?

"What are yer talkin' about?" Merida asked.

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