Chapter 12, Surprise At Home

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"Wow." I hear your whisper next to me, seeing what was present past the glass door.

With a laugh, your mother holds you as she drags you out.
With another laugh, my mother holds me as she drags me out.

I'm under lines and lines of fairy lights that create a drape above us, the entire backyard. Even the small bench I used to sit at as a boy is fixed on with pretty lights, along with the single round table that lands itself on the fresh cut grass. On the table is a cake, a small cake that glows from a lit candle. Past it all, our fathers linger with gifts scattered all around their feet, circling the table that awaits you and me.

"It's beautiful, thank you," you say the words for me, smiling sweetly and politely over all the parents that stare around.

"Now you two have fun."

I'm beyond confused. Fairly lost, I watch my father and yours run to meet the sides of our mothers. They're all moving back into the house, leaving the both of us in the night that falls cold. With a parting mouth, I say, "Where're you guys going?"

"Setting up for your honeymoon since you won't do it yourself," my mother chimes, casual. How can someone speak so easily about that? Clearly my mother.

"I have work when I get back, I can't go on some vacation so abruptly."

You're silent. I don't expect much more from you.

"Silly, it's a plan for your next week off. Don't worry, we won't have it interfere with your work." Your mother says this, she waves me off before I can protest further, and as I blink, they're gone. The glass door is shut, they're waving, and walking out into the hallway.

I huff in a breath, all while exhaling. The air leaves my mouth and I see it before me.

"Do you have any idea what they might be planning?" I stare over at you critically from the sides of my eyes.

"Maybe." You whisper this. With curious eyes, I witness the twirls of your dress from the slight wind, I catch the goosebumps on your legs, and the twisting of your heels digging into the grass; you walk towards the table.

"Tell me," I say lowly, hands still in my pockets as my body language screams bored. Moving with larger steps, catching up to you, I stand close as you look down at the pretty cake with a weak smile.

"It's probably going to be that secluded cabin up north," staring over your shoulder, your pretty eyes meet mine, "...remember? That one summer where our parents finally pushed out enough money to take us out there?"

I feel bad not remembering. Pursing my lips when you painfully chuckle, your voice is soft as you say, "Of course you don't remember."

"Who went?" I ask innocently, wanting so badly to remember. I don't understand why the sulking of your shoulders affects me.

Again, this was an attempt for you to connect with me, grow close to me, but I shut it down quick. So, this time I try. I try to talk to you for more than a tortured minute.

"Our parents, me, you, and your older brother." You're smiling weakly at the cake again.

I still don't remember. I glance at your back, at your bow that is tied tight and neat compared to this morning. I wonder if Icarus tied it back for you. I wonder what exactly happened with him this afternoon, I wonder I wonder.

"At the time I didn't understand just how poor we were...I remember getting mad at my parents for leaving the cabin early." Your fingers feel the cloth on the table before you.

"Why'd you get mad?" I don't know why I ask this question, frankly, I don't realize I'm asking questions. All I'm doing is staring at your body, the side of your face, and growing in awe every second that flies past me.

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