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I'm outside the wall, I looked around the field and see the sun barely rising

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I'm outside the wall, I looked around the field and see the sun barely rising. The sound of a scream makes my head snap towards that direction and I see myself standing there, but my father was holding the other me.

"Make a choice!" I hear the other me say as a circle of fire surrounded both of them, I looked beside me to see a bucket filled with water, and a gun. "Why?" I said to her as my father brought her to her knees. "Just make a choice!" She said not answering my question, I looked at the fire and remembered this was only a test, none of this was actually real. I put one foot into the fire and nothing happened to me, I took another step in and take in a breath.

"I can do this." I whispered to myself.

I get over the fire and put my hand up at my father, he stayed completely still and I closed my eyes letting out a breath. Then, I opened them again, he was gone along with the other me and the fire was gone as well. "Where did they go?" I questioned beginning to walk, I looked at the river which was right in front of me and I jumped in.

I woke up from the test panting and Tori was taking off some wires from me. "Was that it?" I asked her as she ushered me to get up. "I have to get you out of here." She said as I grabbed my satchel. "Wait, what were my results?" I asked her before she tried pushing me out, she stayed quiet and did not want to make eye contact. "You finished that test faster than anyone could, Victoria." She said and I felt my heart skip a beat. "But what are my results? I have to know-" she cuts me off before I finished.

"You didn't get a result." She said and I stayed quiet.

"But you said-" she cuts me off again. "I know what I said, but your results showed everything." She explained lowering her voice. "You're divergent." She added, my eyes widened and she opened the back door. "Go home and tell your father the serum made you sick, go." She said, I nodded and walked out confused as ever.


"The serum made you sick?" My father asked me as I was cutting pieces of lettuce. "Yes, but my results are Abnegation." I lied and he nodded proudly, my mind was going through different scenarios and I saw one where I was Dauntless. But that meant I had to see my brother, which I did not want to do, but still, my heart wished to be out fighting and climbing tall buildings.

"You have to rest up now, for tomorrow." He spoke up, I stopped cutting the lettuce and saw that he didn't notice. "But I haven't eaten anything." I pointed out, he only shrugged and started cutting the potatoes. "Food will distract you, go to bed." He ordered, I set the knife down and went up the stairs. I haven't eaten all day, I was so weak as I went up the stairs and got into my room.

I took off my cardigan and undo my braid, I let my hair fall naturally and sit on my old bed. I dusted off the dirt from it and unfolded my blanket, I lay down on my bed ignoring the pokes from the mattress and put my blanket over me. I closed my eyes drifting into a peaceful yet watchful sleep, the cold room had only one candle and it was my only warmth. The air draft whooshes in and blows the candle out, which made me shiver as I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up cold, so I quickly put on my cardigan. "Victoria! You have twenty minutes!" My father said from the bottom of the stairs. "I've made breakfast!" He added, I stopped moving and stared at the door.

He never made food for me.

I stood up from my bed and put on my ankle boots, I quickly put half of my hair up loosely and went downstairs. "You let me sleep in?" I asked him and he nodded. "Yes, hurry and eat." He ordered sitting on the chair, I sat in front of me and started to eat the plain breakfast he made me, once we finished, we made our way outside. "Remember, Erudite will look for any reason to discredit us, so choose Abnegation." He discussed with me, I stayed quiet and nodded. "Don't make the same mistake your brother made." He added, I felt nervous at this point.

We both quietly walked to the stadium and I see the Priors. "Factions, please gather in your assigned areas." The speaker said to everyone, I was making my way there with my father, but Jeanine cut us off by standing in front of us. "How are you holding up Marcus?" She asked him and he gave her a fake smile nodding. "I'm fine, Jeanine. And you?" He asked as she held her notepad close to her. "I feel great. Oh, is this the lovely daughter?" She asked looking at me. "Victoria, am I correct?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Today you choose your own faction, remember that it is your choice." She said putting her hand on my shoulder. "I've been keeping that in mind, thank you." I said and she nodded glancing at my father. "I promise I'll find out who is spreading those rumors, Marcus. If it's someone from Erudite, I'll get to the bottom of this." She said to my father and he nods. "Thank you." He said to her, she nods and walked away.

We both quickly get into our seats and wait for the announcements to be over. "Remember, I present Abnegation, so you are representing me. Do me proud." He said so only I could hear, I made eye contact with him and nodded. They started calling from each faction in alphabetical order, I was even more nervous now that they got to the E's. "Thomas Eatnan." They called for him, a boy in Candor gets up and starts walking to the bowls.

"The honest." I said in my head as he picked up the knife. He makes a small cut on his hand and places it over the bowl filled with dirt for Amity, the peaceful faction rise up to their feet and welcome him with open arms.

I've always loved the Amity faction and how kind they were. "Victoria Bella Eaton." The announcer called, I feel the place go quiet as they heard my last name and I stood up straightening my dress. My father gets up to let me get to the steps, so I start walking down there slowly, I could feel all the stares as I made my way to the bowls.

Am I peaceful?

Am I honest?

Am I intelligent?

Am I selfless?

Or am I brave?

I take in a breath as I stand in front of the bowls to look at what each contained: glass, water, dirt, grey stones, and lit up coal. I picked up the knife in front of me and made a small cut in my hand, then blood slowly came out. I put my hand over the grey stones and took in a breath, but something in my heart made me pull away before the drop of blood falls on the stones and it falls in the Dauntless bowl.

I hear the Dauntless faction scream and cheer for me, I start making my towards my faction, ignoring the stare of my father. "Welcome to the club!" A boy said to me as he got up patting my shoulder.

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