A Pill

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The next day when Cang Xi woke up Xiao Xin Yu was already gone. Cang Xi went to find him, but when she tried to open the door she found it blocked. Sighing Cang Xi shook her head. "Yu, you silly silly man. Why can you not trust me?" She asked the air.

In fact, she did not want to leave him if she could help it. A man like him was rare and hard not to fall in love with. He had faults and quirks, but he was just right for her.

Perhaps in the same way he thought she was the most perfect woman he had ever seen, she saw him as a perfect man just right for her. This was the so-called looking at one with eyes tainted with love.

"Forget it. Yu, I gave you a chance to be rid of me, now I'm not leaving you ever again." Having said her willful words Cang Xi smiled and went to sit on her bed, picking up some embroidery she settled down to wait.

In the end, the finality of separation was not initiated by her.

The Madam had been angry at Cang Xi for a very long time. Not only was Xiao Xin Yu besotted by Cang Xi, but he also disregarded his family ties with her. Lately, he was very cold to her and had even been trying to get her husband to punish her. She was also angered because of what he had done to Mo Xi Lin. The Mo family kept asking her for answers, but what could she do!

More importantly, the Madam was no fool, she knew Cang Xi wanted revenge for the child. She had known from the beginning that it was wrong, what she had done was help Mo Xi Lin take the life of an innocent, but Mo Xi Lin had offered her so many riches! Even if she was the favored Madam, and the Xiao family's legal wife was dead, she was still only a concubine elevated to main wife. Wealth had never truly been hers! Her husband's love was shared with other concubines too, so when she was presented with an opportunity to be independent why wouldn't she take it? A woman's life, more so for a concubine was never a stable matter, men's hearts changed so quickly after all.

Her plan was to make Cang Xi leave. With her gone Xiao Xin Yu would remember the importance of the family and learn to live with Mo Xi Lin. To that end, she had tried to make life extremely difficult for Cang Xi, but Xiao Xin Yu always got in the way. Today she was going to be more drastic.

She had decided that even if the girl left the manor, Xiao Xin Yu would surely follow her. Clearly, he needed some finality so he could let go of his feelings. With his steadfast feelings, the only way he would let the girl go was if she died.

The Madam entered the room and left some of her trusted servants to guard the entrance. Cang Xi's servants were sent away so the Madam was the only other person left, a small pill hidden in her sleeve.

Her eyes were cold when she spoke to Cang Xi. "Are you willing to leave?" she asked knowing that even if the girl agreed she would only leave as a corpse.

Cang Xi returned the cold look and spoke with a short tone. "I do not want to leave. I will stay by his side." She said resolutely.

The madam's face fell into anger. 'Pah'. Her hand connected with Cang Xi's face forcing her back some steps.

"Foolish! You are a mere servant elevated to the status of concubine. Since you will not leave willingly then you leave me no choice!" The madam waved her sleeve and two guards appeared seemingly from nowhere.

Cang Xi knew this was not good. She looked around and tried to run, but the only exit was behind the two burly men. They subdued her and held her down.

The Madam used the chance to shove the pill into Cang Xi's mouth. Cang Xi tried to spit it out only to choke on the water forced down her throat.

Cang Xi tried to throw it all up but the guards hindered her efforts.

The Madam looked down at her with resentment. "Do not blame me, girl. You have bewitched someone you should never have cast your eyes on. You would be an encumbrance to his bright future, so you must not live!" She said righteously. Her words were half truths and half lies, but those words were what she would use as her defense for her actions.

Cang Xi gurgled as a sour pain started to envelop her starting from the pit of her stomach.

A struggle was heard outside.

"What have you done!" Roared Xiao Xin Yu seconds after pushing the door open.

The Madam turned her head startled at hearing his voice. "Why are you back?" She asked panicking. However, Xiao Xin Yu paid her no attention and only pushed her aside hard. She passed out from hitting her head on a table side.

Xiao Xin Yu shoved the guards aside and ordered everyone to leave. The Madam was carried out by the guards and soon the room was left quiet with only the short-pained breathing of one and the filled with rage and fearful breathing of the other.

Cang Xi's StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin