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Xiao Xin Yu pulled Mo Xi Lin's hair until she screamed in pain and then just like a rag doll he tossed her aside.

He then went to Cang Xi and carefully pulled her up, carrying her carefully. He had returned early on this night, intending to wait for her to go to sleep before appearing. What he had seen had been completely by sheer luck.

Cang Xi wanted to jump out of his arms but somehow, she felt safe in his arms and right now she really wanted to feel some comfort. Relaxing a little her pain returned with a vengeance and her body began to tremble. She whimpered and curled up in his arms. Thankfully the pain kept her awake otherwise she would have fainted long before.

"Y-Yu, please," Cang Xi gasped and shook from the pain, "Please, she killed our baby!" She cried, tears falling in rivulets.

Xiao Xin Yu nodded, and his expression became somber. He walked forward and while cradling Cang Xi's small body in one of his hands he retrieved the forgotten whip. Raising it high he returned each injury suffered by Cang Xi to Mo Xi Lin.

"Ahhh! H-Husband, S- Ahh! Stop!" Mo Xi Lin cried and begged but Xiao Xin Yu did not let up until Mo Xi Lin was as bloody and ragged as Cang Xi.

"Mo. Xi. Lin!" Xiao Xin Yu spoke her name slowly and with disgust. "You are an atrocious excuse for a woman with nothing but wicked thoughts in your small excuse of a heart! I did everything as you asked yet you still tried to harm my beloved woman. I will never forgive your insanity, neither for taking my child's innocent life nor for wasting so much of my beloved's blood and tears!" Xiao Xin Yu threw the whip onto the floor and turned around.

Finally feeling a little vindicated Cang Xi let the darkness take her.

When Cang xi awoke she was in Xiao Xin Yu's bed laying on her stomach. Her whole body was bandaged, and pain permeated from every nerve on her body.

Xiao Xin Yu sat next to her.

For a moment she stared at his side profile and once more wondered where they had gone wrong. That time, when he had cast her aside, he had not looked at her a single time. Now she wondered if there was something she did not know. Did she judge him too soon? Even if there was more, could she forgive him?

What was done was done, Cang Xi decided to give him just one chance to explain himself. Painfully reaching out her small hand Cang Xi pulled at his sleeve. " Xiao Xin Yu, tell me, what is the truth?"

Xiao Xin Yu had been lost in his thoughts and was startled to hear her words. He had meant to leave before she woke up, still too ashamed to face her, but he had missed his timing.

Xiao Xin Yu looked at her for a long time before he turned his body toward her and helped her cover her body with a blanket. Cang Xi let him do as he wished. For the first time, she dared to hope there really was more. This man had loved her so sincerely, so sweetly, so completely, she had not forgotten those days.

Xiao Xin Yu closed his eyes feeling a deep seeded pain in his heart. He had already let her down so what excuse could he offer. Yes, there was more to the truth, but did it matter? He shook his head and smiled sardonically.

Cang Xi reached out her hand and pulled at his sleeve again. "Tell me." She repeated again.

Xiao Xin Yu curled his fingers around her hand and removed it from his sleeve. "I have no excuse. I promised to love you and our child, but I could not protect either of you. I promised to have only one wife, but now there is Mo Xi Lin. I resolved to bring you happiness, but I have allowed you to be beaten to this state. What more is there." He said as he stood up and left the room.

Cang Xi watched his back and felt a twinge in her heart. He had looked so defeated, his shoulders drooped, and his back had seemed so wide and lonely.

Had he asked for forgiveness and given an explanation perhaps Cang Xi might never have truly let the matter go completely. Instead what he had just said had helped her resentment dissipate, because she knew, he had never betrayed her, he had only betrayed and hurt himself. Now all that was left was the anguish of losing a child.

"Xiao Xin Yu, at this moment if you simply returned to me I would forgive you. If only you would mourn together with me." She whispered sadly. Laying down quietly she fell asleep and dreamed of a happy family of two plus a cute little child.

The next day Xiao Xin Yu visited Mo Xi Lin who was lying in bed just as bandaged up as Cang Xi. Sparing her only a hate-filled glanced Xiao Xin Yu spoke of her future in a glacier like tone. "Mo Xi Lin, you are a disgusting person. I had thought to divorce you but that would be too easy an escape for you. You owe Cang Xi and I a life after all. Instead of letting you escape so easily I will keep you in my manor for the rest of your life, you are never to leave your room again, you are not to have contact with anyone, servants will deliver two meals a day and some drink. Use this time to repent, pray to the gods that they forgive you for all your wrongs!" Xiao Xin Yu flung his sleeves and promptly left.

Mo Xi Lin gnashed her teeth, but she knew she could do nothing else.

The moment she had married Xiao Xin Yu she had entrusted her life to him, he could deal with her as he liked. Even her family, as powerful as they were, would not be able to interfere. Even if they did her reputation would be destroyed, there would be no greater shame then that! Her life was over either way.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Unable to move due to the pain Mo Xi Lin could only scream in frustration. Over and over throughout the night, her screams were heard, just like a ghost haunting the manor.

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