A Joyful Revelation

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Cang Xi had thought that she would be viewed as a virtuous wife with an open mind when she mentioned to her husband that it would be a good idea to marry an official wife. That was why she had swallowed her pride, locked away her disgust at the idea, and overall thought of Xiao Xin Yu before herself, but she had not realized how angry her words would make Xiao Xin Yu.

Never had she expected to be pushed down and forcefully kissed. This kind of behavior had disappeared from the day they had married, but today Xiao Xin Yu seemed unable to hold himself back.

However, even though the kiss left Can't Xi breathless like all the other kisses, this kiss was different. At first, it was forceful and full of pent-up feeling, then it slackened and gradually it tasted salty. When the kiss ended Cang Xi was very dazed. By the time she looked up she was staring at the trembling back of the man she called husband.

Though she could not hear any sound she knew he was crying. Slowly she approached him and not knowing what else to do she hugged him from behind.

"Why are you crying?" she asked as she hugged him tighter. She had never seen a man cry before, it was a terribly lonely and heartbreaking sight.

Slowly he turned his head and raised his water clogged eyes to stare at her ordinary face. To him though, it looked like the most stunningly flawless, and totally alluring visage he had ever laid eyes on. He raised a hand and traced her starry eyes, then her nose, and finally her plump pink lips.

His lips trembled a few times before he finally answered her. "Because you cannot bring yourself to love me. It- it hurts." He answered honestly as he clutched the clothing over his heart into a ball.

His thoughts were that no woman who loved her man would push him away toward another woman. He had nearly gone insane seeing her touch another man, so how could she bear for him to do the same to another woman. When there were true feelings which man or woman wanted to share their beloved?

Cang xi was completely taken aback by his words but did not know how to reply at first.

"I-I -I don't love you." She said as she lowered her eyes and turned her head. Xiao Xin Yu nearly felt his heart stop from the pain engulfing it. His tears overflowed from his eyes as he moved to get up and leave. For the first time, he realized just how weak of a man he was.

Before he could stand Cang Xi hugged him even tighter and pulled him back. "But, I am beginning to." She said quickly.

Xiao Xin Yu stopped moving and then in but a few moments he turned and embraced her as he released a breathless laugh. He had never heard such heart-stopping yet sweet and hope inducing words.

"Thank you, thank you." he whispered over and over into her ear. Slowly she was fulfilling his most fervent wish.

In fact, he knew he was at fault. He would not have been surprised if she actually hated him. He had forced her to marry him, he had nearly taken her against her will once before, he had touched her without permission, worst of all he had caused her to harm herself. He would never forget her bloody forehead nor her tear-streaked face, he never wanted to see her beg him for anything again.

No matter how much he wanted to bind her to him he promised himself he would never hurt this pure wife of his ever again. He promised to love and treasure her even more in the future, he was prepared to serve her hand and foot for the rest of his life if only she would let him.

Cang Xi had been surprised by his sudden bursts of emotion but she no longer refused his heart. She was ready to accept him. In the future, she would love this husband of hers truly.

That night she gave herself to him. She had always wanted a slow love, one that was simple and easy, but the world always had plans of its own. On this day she finally gave in to the fiery ardor that always seemed to surround this husband of hers. She gave in to this complicated love and set aside her worries. She was bound to him, she had accepted him, she would learn to love him, she already had.

Not long after Xiao Xin Yu made it clear to his Mother that he would not be taking another wife. This revelation angered the Madam into fainting.

How could she not be worried when his betrothed was the daughter of a Duke! Their own family was quite powerful but marrying a Duke's daughter was almost like marrying a princess. Their family would be moving up with the marriage. Luckily the marriage between her son and the Duke's daughter was not set to take place for another ten months. She had plenty of time to make her step son see the right road.

Not many months later, joyous occasion that had started as a moment of worry arose.

That morning Cang Xi had awoken and the moment she had tried to stand she had felt dizzy. Very quickly she had fallen to her knees and soon after fainted. The doctor was hastily called by one servant girl while another one called for Xiao Xin Yu.

Xiao Xin Yu dropped everything he was doing and rushed to his courtyard where Cang Xi had been staying from the moment they had become a true husband and wife.

The doctor had arrived moments before him and was already taking Cang Xi's pulse. The doctor's eyebrows rose and then his mouth turned up in a smile very soon after he had felt Cang Xi's pulse.

The doctor turned around and looked at the worried Xiao Xin Yu, then he fell to his knees and congratulated Xiao Xin Yu. "Congratulations Young Master, the young Madam is with child!"

At that moment Cang Xi woke up from her faint. Her foggy mind quickly cleared, and her mouth dropped open. Finally, her face settled into a serene expression, her smile showing off her inner bliss.

"Really?" she asked as she laughed in happiness.

Xiao Xin Yu sent the doctor away and then walked to her side. Falling to his knees he put his ear to her stomach, joy on his face as he listened. "Really." He replied just as happy as her.

That night he received a long lecture from his little wife. A baby could not possibly grow so quickly as to be kicking only a month after pregnancy. She also demanded he temper his desires as she was currently very delicate. Perhaps because of her pregnancy, her words were more courageous and aggressive. This child, she would protect him with all her might.

The man who loved his wife more than anything immediately nodded at every single word and made countless promises all the while alternating his gaze from his wife's delicate face to her flat belly.

He looked forward to seeing that belly swell.

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